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  1. L

    Mainlining - when to flip to flower?

    Mine have been doing great for my second grow, but still more to improve on. I’m about a week to two weeks away from harvest now, but my stretched like crazy. Here are pictures from today.
  2. L

    Single brown stickyish spot in single leaf - pics

    I’m just starting my 5th week of flower and noticed this single leaf on top of my canopy had a brown spot that was somewhat sticky. I’m not sure if that’s just from the sugar in the leaves. I’m growing three of the same plant and this one visually looks not as good as the other two, but still...
  3. L

    Mainlining - when to flip to flower?

    I’m new to growing and this is my first time mainlining. My question is how long do you wait to flip to flower after you’ve reached 8 total colas? Should I wait til it grows more or does it not matter mainlining after reaching 8 colas? Here is a picture of my plants just a couple of days ago...
  4. L

    Swollen calyx or hermie?

    Not that I’m or my buddies are experts, but we were certain this was a female up until today. I would say I maybe noticed a small sign a few days ago, but today was when I really noticed them. For the next grow how can I tell seeds are forming?
  5. L

    Swollen calyx or hermie?

    I didn’t see any sign of male flowers.
  6. L

    Swollen calyx or hermie?

    Hi this is my first grow and I am week 5 into flowering when I noticed what looks like pollen sacs. Going down the rabbit hole I can’t determine if these are swollen calyx or pollen sacs. I don’t see any “nanners ” or sacs on the bottom of the plant. I squished one and clear liquid came out...