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  • hi zem im a newb but liked your post about mixing nutes. i have just purchased a few KG bags of salt and have been playing around with hydrobuddy. Im actually toying with making nutes for both coco and soil but styruggling to find the formulas and mixing ratios. do you have any good ratios down that are tried and tested yet? or any advice where i may find them.
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    Reactions: Tvanmunhen
    Hi DJlest, sorry for the late reply i am not coming here often enough. nowadays i am using yara kristalon brown along with calcium nitrate and magnesium sulfate at a ratio of 4-3-2 respectively. I used to mix all the individual salts by calculating each salt by itself. There was that thread by fatman i will try to find it, it had a lot of useful info with all the formulas that you can use.
    I suggest that you dilute batches like two pound from each salt in water and use that. You could also premix stock solutions. Take care not to cause salt buildup. It is easo to overdo salts when you have big amounts. Flush regularly and don't let salts accumulate. I hope this helps. Cheers
    i have been to several places, theres nothing as well organised and dedicated as MP. the old PG had very cool users, it crashed too... RIU is like the new OG, just a big site for anyone who wants to talk about mj. you can get really great info from in here. but you have to look and ask a lot. actually i have found the most useful info in here well before i ever signed up. someone linked me to an old RIU thread cuz at MP i couldnt get good info aout that specific issue and it saved me. really in here you can see the whole world of cannabis, so it's different. have you seen the vertical setups and the very big setups in RIU? i say we wait for MP to be back. i still have some hope. if not i'll look for another place i can call home, but i'll certainly stay around here too...
    yeah yeah i know exactly wat u mean. this place i only like how active it is, but honestly, a newb will have the worst start if he's getting advice from here, no leadership to set things straight like MP! and a flood of ignorants tryin to teach others lol you cant make it right alone by tryin to help in here, the ones in power have to be dedicated.
    Frickin sucks if that's so. I noticed an absence of The Hemp Goddess and Hick the last week or so. The home page and all its links are still good, so maybe it's under repair. What other forums might I find some of them? I don't think this one is for me, you know?
    no way Melvan, it's been down 2 days for me. i think it's dead! it willl be a real pity!!!:cry:
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