yeh growing hydro atm man! i posted something on subcools organics a while ago under my old alias maddog123... yeh freaking weird dude the suckers even went red when they just popped like 2-3 days old... i hope its the pink pheno eek!!
They took my mod rights away do to a pm kev murphy sent me lol i even post in admin i wasnt going to a new site and wasnt telling anyone to go to a new site dont understand admin wont even conferm this with me just burn me
Ahhh I see. now I understand why I couldnt find it anywhere. its ok I will order on line if I have to. not sure if there is a hydroponics store around here, I will google it to find out
haha I take it back I wont use the fish stuff since she is in flower. but will keep in mind for my next grow if my plants start showing the same problem