yeah man, its the truth.. damn theUSA PATRIOT Act is no joke, to be on the radar of the agency's is not a good thing, now its best to keep your head low and well laid plans under the rug so to say.
at 14 hour I noticed a stall as though she was confused to finish ripening---I will add the pics--- it has been one week later and I did throw them back into a 36 hour black out when I noticed that she was not getting fatter nor was she vegging--just stalled--yaknow?
BTW the days are getting to be close to 15 hour soon if you are in the Western Hemi The Pvc Tent is the way to go if you got the room I made one against the wall of the house/garage 9 foot by 3 foot 5 foot tall I get 5 big girls in there----ahh no pic here? only links? well I am sure you get it.
thanks for the reply,yea she if fully flowering or trying so bud sites are starting to swell slowly and shes getting frotsy..what should i exspect to happen if i leave her out in the 14 hour daylight days for the rest of the season??I will also look into building a tent as well
hey bro i see you have a few post's on revegging i wrote a post a month back asking about revegging and didnt get any good i have a plant thats been outside since seed planted back in early april it began to show many preflowers and now has many buds,light cycle is at about 13.5 hours a day right now do you think my plant will fully ripe?Im not sure what do to or what to feed at this time..if you have time hit me back and i can send pics or what not..thanks bro
Hey man, I really like your style. You keep it real. I'll give you credit for that. I looked really really hard everywhere and I didn't find any signs of spider mites, however, I doid have a lot of gnats flying around my grow room and crawling all over my soil so I went to wally world and bought this stuff called garden safe 3 in 1 fungicide. I have a pic of it but I need your e-mail to send it to you. Anyways, this spray kills everything and it's 100% organic so if it is spider mites then it will kill them too. My e-mail address is [email protected] so you can let me know what you think about this spray. I have a friend that told me it killed his fungus gnats overnight, so we'll see. I'll let you know what the results are.
yeah i was talking about the pots themselves... I thought the curling was from heat as well excuse me a 1000 pardons sir. I have never tried to clone from a budding female. Curious of the medium used I have had a hard time in the past but got it now and noticed the touchy little girls are and the medium to get roots. kudos on the bud clone however it does make sense as she is low in Nitrogen and high in Potassium which is the right direction for making roots. ttyl
Haha yea man duct tape is the shit!
Ummm and I'm not sure what curling your talking about?
Were you refering to the plant in the milk jug? That got transplanted a week later. Just needed to go get another pot.
And the reason for the curling you saw is because I took a cutting off of a plant that was in flower. So I cloned a BUD. I dunno if you've done it before, but that's why you see all the weird single leaves and the curling of some. The temp never get's over 84 F in my room. The usual is 80 F.
Thanks for trying to help. I just do not know exactly what you are talking about? lol - You just said "I spray the outside white as it reflects light in the room and does not absorb light." And I was confused for a sec. I was like what? The outside of my grow room IS white. What is this cat talkin bout? lol Im now assuming you were talking about the pots tho right? Thats a good idea.