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  • also does this look more like a sativa or indica blend which is more or if its a hybrid cant really tell i say 60/40 sativa indica? wat u think just some lime green mids
    dont know what a aussie m8 is hey since u got some more knowledge in this growing stuff what does these plants look like male female hermi and the strain dont know either and the fertz are slow release so i dnt know about it i guess the plant sucks up wat it needs. but i will do the brown suger right now im using a pur filtered water dont know ph but its up there around 7ish needing a ph meter soon. and i topped them as well but i dont know if i did it the right way they grew back pretty fast and one has a some stank to it hopefully they get bigger cuz compared to the other grows ive seen 3 in a half inches is quite small let me know i appreciate the reply
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