Yea dude, my parents moved here from SF back in '85, it's got some perks

It's all good man
The weathers been all screwy this year though, the bays been rather chilly all summer except for a couple days. Hella weird. But I'm hoping for an Indian Summer! That should help with flowering

I'm in school as well. Currently going to COM but going to transfer after this year to some UC, not sure which yet
I've blossomed into an avid grower just this year

I began researching as my new years resolution and started my first grow in February. I learned so much from reading as much as I could on this site and other sites as well as a few books I bought/borrowed. Growing is so much fun, I love to do it and I think I'm going to try to do it for the rest of my life. It just feels so nice to be among growing plants
Yea man, that San Bruno gas line shit was so insane and it was only 50 miles south of where I am. I think at least a few grows were ruined cuz of that shit