I Love Indica Sep 4, 2010 VT I want to come up to Ben and Jerry's with my family..lol., I'm thinking of going to The A (as me and my friends call it) in November around Cannabis Cup. The Centre is really poppin then. You go out @ 4 am and the red light is packed.
VT I want to come up to Ben and Jerry's with my family..lol., I'm thinking of going to The A (as me and my friends call it) in November around Cannabis Cup. The Centre is really poppin then. You go out @ 4 am and the red light is packed.
I Love Indica Sep 3, 2010 Thanks.... I'm in Mass. the Boston area. I did'nt even know such groups were around. What about yourself?
Thanks.... I'm in Mass. the Boston area. I did'nt even know such groups were around. What about yourself?
H H harth234 Jun 4, 2010 Hey its your one month rollitup anniversary.....Congrats man, I hope the exams and shit are going well!!!
Hey its your one month rollitup anniversary.....Congrats man, I hope the exams and shit are going well!!!
woodyredneck May 23, 2010 hey what part of NH i stay down in Manchester hit me up if can [email protected] i need some seeds
H H harth234 May 16, 2010 http://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/316087-nels-guerilla-grow-2010-a-2.html
H H harth234 May 10, 2010 Dude ive been looking at so many grows on this website and im seriously getting a boner because of how excited im going to be for this summer.....
Dude ive been looking at so many grows on this website and im seriously getting a boner because of how excited im going to be for this summer.....
H H harth234 May 4, 2010 http://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/322796-should-i-flower-pic-attached-2.html