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  • could you please tell me what height do i keep my 125 watt cfl away from the plant i have it at 4-5 inches from the top i got early girl cause thats all i could get at the time and three started they are currently hitting two inches and will these grow ok with cfls the bulb is a full spectrum puttin out 25000k any idea on the lumens from it there only babies so i dont want to hurt them
    Just checked out your bubblebomb. Did you breed it yourself because it looks like the genetics are a little unstable. I mean i thought i saw sativa leaves on one of them while the others look more indica. Either way good job on the grow buddy.
    what do you feed the plants. your plants all look nice and big. and how big is your grow space
    hey dude thanks for the info, i dont know if you have seen them, volksgardens it is a rotary growing machine, i have always used envirolites, and really want to stick to them, because everything i heard about hps is that they run at ridiculously high temps, anyway this guy using on of these machines uses a 600w hps in the middle, i would like one of these machines but dont want to use hps.... i was thinking of maybe like 3 200w envirolites on top of each other in a triangle shape
    lol,i swear i was gunna get the bubblegum and talked myself out of missus was beggin me to get it....whats the yield like on it?
    ahhh yea i see what your saying....the buds on those plants. look a little lean.might save em as a last resort :P
    Wow. So 66% 6400K and 33% 2700k.
    I use 10% 6400K and 90% 2700K.
    Keep posting those pics cos I'm really interested in finding the best balance for light.
    Looks like a roaring success. Hope they smoke as good as they look.
    Those shade leaves look really healthy for a 12/12 setup. Do you use much 6500k lighting in the chamber?
    That's a wonderful grow. Bubblebomb is a real good looker :)
    Did you just cross what you had available or did you select some specific genetics for your new breed?
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