Ya those mids are all day here dude for $120/oz. whether they are bomb or not so bomb. We had the little xmas tree nugs years back, best mids I've ever had. They were like $175/oz tho. Some friends of mine refer to anything that isn't dank or sensi as schwag. I think that's a little harsh, pun intended.
Sucks about dude crashing his car, but if he already can't drive I'm not sure he needed an oz of medical grade cannabis! lol If you were in my area I'd find someone to scoop that up from you no problem. I just never see WW around here. It's either kush or nyc diesel.
I figure I'll probably get close to 2x the yield with an HPS so it should pay for itself. Unfortunately my car's financial company wants $500 by 7/05 or they can take my car back. (not that they could ever find it at my gf's house) I only make $800/mo on unemployment, so you see my dilemma!
I think the only way to deal with it is to smoke some mids.

Stay high dude I'll holler at you soon.
- Rom