Hey fella
Thanks for the props. Really glad you got something out of the journal.
The filter is as you describe, cut to size 3/4 inch bigger all around than the fan. Use some string or elastic to hold it snug over the fan. I use a single layer and it's enough to hide the odour and most of the light. Don't try it with very smelly strains though.
The white tube is a remote temp/humidity probe that sends to an external monitor so I can tell what's going on without opening the door. They are called wireless weather stations and are most useful.
CFL's do have probs with penetration so sidelighting is very beneficial, but in enclosed grows it could cost more space than it yields in extra growth so it's a tough call wether to use lots of small bulbs or a mofo overhead with plenty of mylar. A single bulb makes wiring easy so that's what swung it for me

Just holler if you think I can help with anything else and let me know if you get a journal started. It would be good to compare notes.