nz green
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  • ye shit man that rego pisd me right of to anyway my opinion is our rhino is definitly a sativa x indica its weird actualy because the way it buds looks to me more indica dominant but leaves and high is strong sativa thats just my opinion anyway my rhino was so glassy and sticky loved it as for the big bud your right and there big for nothing fluffy as but with the rhino turns it solid i grew it outdoors put seeds down sprouted 12 female monsters got 9 pound so ill try them inside now chur!
    Hiya Mate, holy shit the cross will be big (BBxWR) And really improve the flavour of the bigbud, in my opinion. It's too perfumy for me, almost sickly. But for weight she's a hard act to follow. Gotta love that white rhino taste though!! Ye whats up with o/seas rhino being indica..although I have seen a few conflicting reports...mine is a sativa type buzz. Does that mean its not a true rhino, or just a sativa phenotype. I suspect the latter mate, but whatever she's a keeper, and not bad weight wise either. Are you gonna germ for a mother, clone and chuck a few outside or what?? Ground is warming up shipmate!! I recomend Mango for outside, xxxl size. but again too indica for me..but thats ok there's gonna be some sativas happening too.....Hows the motor bike rego"s going up man...740 bucks per year for 600+ cc...wrong, man, wrong....later dude ..sorry to ramble....did I mention sativas rock!!
    Hey Nz green, fellow kiwi here, those were some nice plants...I got some w.rhinos down in a flood and drain system and they look quite similar to those of yours in your thread/grow. Will you stick to scrogging? And have you got seeds from overseas? I am looking to try to get some but dont wanna throw money away and/or get done for it, any advice would be cool, cheers
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