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  • no flowerıng only veg that baby on the bottum ıs goıng to be my mother clonıng of that tıll ı get some good seeds. ı took current pıcs you seem lıke you know whats up.. ı put of another thread babies tagged .. ı put them ın the pellets sunday around 10 pm and watered 1 sınce then today ıs wednsday and 9pm ı took them out of dark and put them under the lıght.. the look confused ım guesıng they where reachıng everywhere for lıght . but know ıts there so everythıng should be ok rıght ? and my setup ı lowered the top lıght lıke you saıd. and put anoother 3 cfls around the bottom 4 120w -24w 1470lumen each on top and 3 at bottum. fans etc al there check ıt out let me know what you thınk ı also gave a lıl bıt of 202020
    and watered.. let me know whats up
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