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  • hey man just found out at grasscity last night u pull em when the trichs are mostly cloudy or milky and u will get a up-heady/energetic/rushy high; take em off when they're mostly amber will give u that narcotic couchlock high; and lastly if u take em off half cloudy half amber u get the best of both worlds. i suppose its all up to what kind of high u want to achieve.
    bbbeeeeeeeeeee paaaaaaaaatttttttttttiiiiiieeeeeennnnnnnnnnttttttttt fffffrrrrrrriiiiiiiieeeeeennnnnnnnnddddd its almost time
    basically the best advice ive heard so far is if u think its time, wait two weeks and then its time because chances are ur just eager as hell to inhale and then exhale all the hard work youve done. dont haste its worth the wait.
    hey stopped in on lsrburn seen u had an all too common question around here; the problem is thers so many variables to a plant that is ready for harvest. 85-95 percent pistil darkening, leaves starting to turn yellow, and the trichs should have an almost amber hue to em; also ive read somewhere in here that the pistils should start receding back into the calyx but who really knows for sure.
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