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  • bongsmilieThe music just changed from what we love to hear, to the oldest twangiest country song i ever did hear. I think this might be his hint to tell me to leave so that he can kiss up chix1. by the way, I'm chix2.
    ok we're back, this has taken us an hour and now i will focus on this. we've read a few articles about cooking with ganga. we don't grow it, so we buy it and we want some help about ingesting it. I can't handle alcohol, so i want to learn to cook with ganga. The problem is that most everything i've read is with alcohol or butter based. i did read an article with olive-oil, but i forgot to research.
    and by the way, i can't follow a receipe if my life depended on it, so the simpliest the best for me. Chix1 is more apt to listen as my mind is back at the beach :):peace:
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