
You have any proof on this? Would love to see the study on watts meaning nothing
Watts mean nothing to plants, Watts is about the power of electricity. Plants need light water nutrients NOT electricity what matters is all things to do with light full spectrum and Par is what matters. It's funny when I see people saying led lights are no good because it's only drawing 100 Watts at the wall because it doesn't matter the watts it will say replaces 250w hps and it does but it's not drawing 250w.
Red Eyed
Red Eyed
Watts mean nothing? Then try growing in a 8x8 area with 2 lights that pull 105w from the wall....because you know..electricity.
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Are you for real? 2 of those lights won't do for that size because of the light coverage nothing to do with watts again. Watts have zero connection to plants. How many Watts is the sun drawing at a socket?
Red Eyed
Red Eyed
So then a room full of lightbulbs should grow a ton of the best looking plants ever then...
Again it's to do with the light output and coverage nothing to do with watts. A room full of normal lightbulbs would grow weed and yes well if there was enough of them and at the correct distance to fully cover the area. Anything you come up with I will be able to answer it without it having anything to do with watts.
Red Eyed
Red Eyed
Not but more watts added will create a larger yield....
LEDs can produce more light output with less watts it's a fact. Because that's what matters "light output" not watts. There's plenty of information out there about it.
More light output added will create larger yields not watts.
Red Eyed
Red Eyed
....yea but without watts there is Zero output.
Red Eyed
Red Eyed
Im not arguing that its light output....I know this but I do know watts drawn from said light plays a role in final harvest weight as long as no grower error.
The watts only play a roll in powering the light unit they have no connection to a plant. If I was going to buy lights for a 8x8 I'd buy based on the light coverage being 2x 4x4 or 4 x 2x2 the watts wouldn't matter because it covers the space.
The Loafter
The Loafter
Sean doesn't understand maths very well. I wouldn't take his advice
Where are my maths wrong?
4x 4x4 16x 2x2 who gives a fuck, you could see the point I was making. I've explained it perfectly well how Watts have zero to do with plants. The Loafter seems to be one of those "trolls" that travels the web commenting on grammar etc.
The Loafter
The Loafter
Well 4*4 = 16 8*8=64. So 2*4*4 is 32 half of what you need for 64. If you can't figure that out I wouldn't trust whatever else you deduce
I already replied with the correct math so what's the point now of saying about it. I gave the exact amounts both of which equal 64 square feet. So I guess I already figured it out before your telling me to figure it out?
The Loafter
The Loafter
That's cool dude. No need to call me a troll for pointing out where you were wrong. Yes you figured it out, good job.
The point I was making was about Watts not being connected to plant growing it's no longer the way of working things out. The par and coverage is what matters that's why now you can have lights using less watts but giving more output and coverage. So if you get enough coverage and output the watts don't come into it.
Say for instance they made a light that's full spectrum the right par and the coverage fits your grow space but the light only uses 50w at the wall does the wattage matter when the light does exactly what it's suppose to in your space regardless of watts used? Nope it doesn't. Piece