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  • anyone using" Great white?"

    Ive been reading about mychorrizae and seen on my great white bottle that they contain endo and ecto mychs. then I went on to read that Ecto aren't effective on cannabis and the way they work (one binds to and one burrows into the roots) actually counter one another.

    GW also contain trichderma which I've heard things about growing indoors as well.

    anyone have thoughts?
    I read the same stuff which is why I don't use it. I only use Extreme Gardening Mykos, and Earth Juice BioRighteous occasionally for extra microbes. No ecto, or trichoderma for me. I also don't use any nutrients that add that stuff in their mix.
    Good on you for doing research. There are better products out there with higher microbe counts and lower price than Great White. I use Mykos and AZOS from Xtreme. I'm using Bio-Ag's VAM now and its good too. I have also used unbranded Mycorhizzae from Buildasoil that also worked really well and is really cheap. I think MYKOS is the best bang for your buck.
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