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  • hey bro just going over my first grow, totally remember you and what a good influence you are hope everything is well you mysterious duck
    Hello old friend! Hope you remember me! I cannot seem to be able to PM you here or I would have. I'm back in the 'scene' after many life changes and would love to catch up. PM me if you see this (and can PM!)! Hope all is well.
    I need Riddlem's site. I have an avatar on there but I can't remember the web site , it has been years.
    I need to get to the bottom of this shit with Rory. He is pulling the same shit with me. He owes me money. He cant grow shit. The motherfucker is a fraud and a liar. Better come up with my 3500$ for equipment
    Read your extraction explanation thread and loved it. Question--freebase mescaline in non-polar solvents: which ones and why? E.g. Why yes to xylene/toulene/chloroform etc but no to ether and petether? Doesn't seem to be explained by dielectric constants. Not that I want to use any of these really but its bugging me.
    How you doing Mr.EDuck? Ive recently seen your posts and its apparently obviously that your very knowledgeable in ochem. I hope you don't mind but I have a few questions i'd like to run by you. Thanks for your time,please get back to me asap [email protected]
    Question. After extracting LSA through non polar/polar extraction. Would you be able to put the LSA solution on something like blotter or sugar cubes for dosage? I heard LSA oxidizes rapidly so you can't?
    Not really. LSA isn't very potent so you'd need a fair amount of liquid for each dose which doesn't work for blotter or sugar.
    I've been around HS for a minute and wanted to say thanks for all the knowledge droppin and general quackery ya add to it luvin ya
    Hello good sir,
    SWIM has one quick question about acid boils on a A/B tek. SWIM has been on the nexus but there are a bunch of people who claim they know what they are talking about but really don't. Dreams boiling point is 116 degrees so wouldn't you want to stay under that for your acid wash? His yields have been kinda under and I know this is where he is losing it.
    Please don't use SWIM. It makes it harder to read and offers no legal protection whatsoever. If it really is SWIM tell them to come here and post themself!
    While boiling the source material in acid all of the DMT will be in a protonated form and its not going to distill out.
    Sorry. Thanks for the info!
    Mr. Bongwater
    Mr. Bongwater
    haha go back to drugforum if your using "swim"
    I hope you don't mind me reaching out to you but i noticed you are extremely knowledgeable when it comes to DMT. I have some direct questions and wanted to reach out to you directly without posting another blog. New to this site, how do i send you a longer note with my questions?
    hey mrEduck, i havent posted much at all on this site but have been passing through here and a few other boards over the years gathering info as much as possible. I have recently come across something that I believe is right up your alley and i could use some help on. the subject is a propane/freon blend for extraction purposes specifically on cannabis. Is there anything to using these solvents? cleaner end-product? pro's cons? i am very interested in anything you have to say if you could PM that would be fantastic. Good day and thankyou for your time.
    Hello, i Am new to this forum but see that you are a very knowledgeable person and I would like to ask you a few questions.
    Thanks and as always, Peace and pot,
    Email me at
    ps. sorry for the random message but i would rather ask you person to person than post it and feel stupid lol
    Hey man did you look up Brian Love on vimeo that b love guy on extractions. I added part two last night. I think my thread was shut down as they will not let me post there any more. In fact the quick reply is plank. LoL.
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