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    Reactions: ShLUbY
    but up north in the Upper Peninsula of MI, I imagine there's not much of a concern about bio. mag. in the game fish. I'd love to live up there someday. Didn't even notice that your status was 2 years old LOL
    Nice. Fortunately we don't have bioaccumulation issues up here with the ocean fish, which is good because salmon and halibut make up a significant part of our diet. Unfortunately our salmon take a loop in the Pacific every summer mighty close to Fukushima(!), so they've been studied for radiation. Fortunately its been reported that its not a worry... hopefully they're right!

    If you're ever up in AK, look me up.
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    Reactions: ShLUbY
    thanks man I will for sure, but i'm warning you.... i might not leave lol. I really think i'd love it up there. I love the UP of MI.... so AK could only be better imo!

    I just want to live a subsistence lifestyle and every year i'm getting closer to that dream. Can't wait to be done with school (environmental bio major) so I can work on living.
    I've been thinking about an outdoor grow up here. But our daylight....
    Yeah? Put the daylight to your advantage and do an auto grow! I've plans for a 6-plant outdoor greenhouse grow myself this summer- its just a cheapo 6' plastic number. I've got Emerald Triangle Lemon Haze Auto, Sensi Seeds Skunk #1 Auto and THSeeds Northern Hog Auto. Mostly freebies but they should supply my med needs for a while. What strains are you considering?
    Nice. Thanks for lookin me up. I'm stoked about an outdoor run with autoflowers this summer, a personal use med mj grow.
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