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  • Noel,

    I have sent an email to [email protected], not sure if it went through 'cause I'm having a bit of trouble with my mail at the moment.

    After several days of agonisation I came to the inescapable conclusion just yesterday that I need to build a room inside my room.

    I was searching for exactly this thing when I came across your post. Tents just won't cut it for my situation (noise and light emisions are fatal to my circumstances).

    My design capabilities are restricted by a lack of experience, particularly of the pitfalls, and an almost complete lack of building-type skills.

    However, with the help of someone such as yourself in the designing of the unit, and a friend to help with the putting-together, I'll be fine.

    I am willing to pay fairly, and will go to several hundreds for shipping.

    If you can't reply to my earlier message by email, please just reply to this message.

    Hi Noell!

    In all my searching your post was the only link to an Australian stealth grow box manufacturer. I'm a professional web developer and I'd like to help you start an online business with your custom grow boxes, if you're interested? I'd do you a full custom e-commerce site, with social functions, in return for one of your grow boxes ;) I find the fact that it has a working motherboard particularly interesting, could be fun hacking together some simple apps for the grow box perhaps.

    Anyways, I'd like some info and photos etc, and you should post them to that thread considering it's #1 on google ;)


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