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  • I am realy sorry I did mean it to come across like that.
    I tried this on 2 diffent computers and my phone, I have same problems on of them.
    Regarding all the post tabs not working
    Do not "demand" things of me, that is rude. I am only trying to be helpful. If its off your phone and you're dropping signal than its going to be your own problems and not on our end, There are certain features of the site not working for EVERYONE, so regardless of another account it wont work anyways. We apologize for the inconvenience and we hope to have certain features back up and running soon.
    The like tab works fine thank you
    And notification tab drops down and tells me :)
    I did both posts on my phone so may be
    I lost signal and didn't work on one of the posts but I not worried about the odd post not going throw
    what I realy need is a mod like you having my user name and password and seeing
    All my post tabs are not working and fixing the probles or delete the account and give me a new one
    I see the one in the UK growers thread, i just cleared out spam but your post was NOT in it at all which leads me to believe something is going wrong on the process on your end.
    sunni I tryied a post on topping and lst
    Didn't work, but tried again the uk forum
    worked fine but can't find it throw
    My post tabs and my name does not work in the search
    would have thought it picks up key words like names so I could find all my posts that way for now, also the post area does not work
    any help would be great :)
    Just continue posting what you had originally posted , not the support question but just post as a user, i tried to find a post through our spam filter but only found the support one, just go on as a regular users, sorry this got messed up :(
    hi sunni i would like to contact you but I don't know how, and don't want to put another forum up as I can't find the last one i started
    none of my post tabs work now and I can't find a single post i have wrote :(
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