How to make real black hash ?


Well-Known Member
I agree with blonde hash being the most potent...
Blonde hash will turn black if its exposed to oxygen/light for long enough!

Greenish colored hash has too much plant material(lower quality)

If you lived in a medical state you would know this!


Well-Known Member
I agree with blonde hash being the most potent...
Blonde hash will turn black if its exposed to oxygen/light for long enough!

Greenish colored hash has too much plant material(lower quality)

If you lived in a medical state you would know this!
Is it more potent than a butane extraction?...I ask b/c I have the option of running dry ice kief or honey oil.


Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Is it more potent than a butane extraction?...I ask b/c I have the option of running dry ice kief or honey oil.

To Each Their Own.

Make the Ice First, it's easier and cheaper. If you don't like it, make some with butane. Or if you get tired of it Ect.

Then see which one you like more.

I won't buy oil. Only smoke what I make.. But I'd buy bubble in a pinch :D
That stuff is Tits..

Off Convo;

OP.. Can you take a little piece of your "hash" and smear it on a white sheet of paper... Tell me the color you see Lol (I know it's green)

When we look at Herb we see Cannabinoids(THC) which are white/yellow. When we extract this, we get golden.

Now when you look at 100% kief, their is no dark colors. When you see someone making hashish with a blender(Example)You see alot of different colors. When you put this in the oven, or iron, before you press it together, the plant material gets darker(Just like in the bowl)

When you press this together... You get Black Hashish!

I've only seen black Herb Once... And it was because it was so Purple... Don't forget to tell us about the Color On the Paper
Yeah if you heat and pressure any hash it tends to turn darker in color. Black hash, the arab version is what everyone refers to. Most arab hash isn't very good, it's solvent made, which encompases throwing the whole plant into a solvent bath, and extracting the oils.
Here's a selection of some of the Dutch/Arab hash that you can buy in Holland, some black and brown versions. b111.PNG and some isolater, probably the most potent of the lot, b114.PNG I think this one was called carmellob115.PNG I've tried a lot of this type of product, so I have a pretty good perspective of what it is.b122.jpg

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member


New Member
I am not a fan of oxidized hash as this only signals a loss of potency , sure it was a hit back in the 60's and 70,s but look at the average import then and you'll understand what I mean . Black Hash smells like shit too as the trichomes being broken have lost most if not all terpenoids and usually is rancid but none the less people smoke it and rave if they know nothing better lmao


Well-Known Member
Is it more potent than a butane extraction?...I ask b/c I have the option of running dry ice kief or honey oil.

A proper butane extraction yields the most potent stuff possible and since its a solvent (rather than mechanical) extraction it also is the most efficient extraction, capturing most available cannabinoids. Done right, this product isn't really "hash", but rather a viscous oil that many call "honey oil".

Dry ice kief done right is potent, and probably the most tasty of the products, since it retains the highest concentrations of terpenes, but its also a pretty inefficient extraction, with the possibility of leaf contamination if done too vigorously.

IMO, quality is more important than absolute potency.


Well-Known Member
i add to my trims all the shakes from the buds then i use dry ice bubble bag to make my ( kief )
i put my kief in plastic oven bag and heat the kief to 140 degrees then i heat View attachment 2708599 also
to 140 degrees
i put the hot kief inside it then i press it the pressure of 20 tons will change the color of the kief to blonde first (15 mins)
and the more the kief stays pressed will change to black


Well-Known Member
Are your strains high in cbd? Or letting it sit out? Dark hash is due to high cbd or its been oxidized and terpenes have broken down.... mine is always Blondel I follow Matt Rize method.


Well-Known Member
A proper butane extraction yields the most potent stuff possible and since its a solvent (rather than mechanical) extraction it also is the most efficient extraction, capturing most available cannabinoids. Done right, this product isn't really "hash", but rather a viscous oil that many call "honey oil".

Dry ice kief done right is potent, and probably the most tasty of the products, since it retains the highest concentrations of terpenes, but its also a pretty inefficient extraction, with the possibility of leaf contamination if done too vigorously.

IMO, quality is more important than absolute potency.

No true at all. I.pull more doing icewax then i ever did with bho. With bho its a 10% return. With ice wax I get a 20% -25% return. But I do pure organics and use cmh led and par t5 and get the frostiest buds and leaves ever.

Proper bho is too.much work and costly.
Proper bho.
1. pre filter butane -rid of sulfur and methane and propane propellant- even 7x filtered butane still has residuals of these chemicals.
2. Make sure to use a glass tube - butane will leech chemicals from metal and plastic.
3.properly vacuum purge -do not whip. That traps butane.
4.cure for a minimum of 10 days.

Any bho that tastes like vapor tokes has not been made properly..

Like i said i get more with ice wax and I prefer ice wax over bho. Its much cleaner and healthier. Even dispensaires cannot legally sell bho due to the chemical content. My ice wax looks like bho and melts the same but its not. Ice wax is more potent and much tastier. Tastes like the buds. But better. Good water is free and you only have to pay for bubble bags once.

The trick to making good wax aside from the quality of trim and buds. Is how you mix it. Do not use a drill or mixer. I mix by hand with a wooden spoon. You do not want to beat up the trim. That lowers quality. Use clean good Ro water and ice. Use more ice than water. Look up Matt Rize on riu and you tube


Well-Known Member
Are your strains high in cbd? Or letting it sit out? Dark hash is due to high cbd or its been oxidized and terpenes have broken down.... mine is always Blondel I follow Matt Rize method.
yours always blonde because you do not heat the kief or you do not apply enough pressure


Well-Known Member
regular screened kief is upwards of 90% hash /wax unpressed is a little less depending on strain. when pressed. the heads break. everything can break down much quicker. so over time potency will diminish. cure it for a month straight without opening it and it will be the most potent shit ever.