Recent content by Zspot

  1. Z

    (POTentially) fun challenge - SOS from an organics newb!

    Thanks. I absolutely plan to get away from the Fox Farm stuff ASAP. I just need to get a good water only recipe down. Their concern I think is primarily with the size of the space/pots I am working with. From what I can tell, they are accustomed to growing massive plants with huge yields...
  2. Z

    (POTentially) fun challenge - SOS from an organics newb!

    Hey anyone willing and able to help a guy out! I really want to build a living organic soil. No more measuring out the Fox Farm trio. I just want to water my plants and watch them thrive in their little ecosystem. I currently live in a developing nation. A tiny little island in the...
  3. Z

    Roast my cheap grow box (or help me make it better lol)

    Man this design deal is wild. Thumbs up for this recommendation. What a chill ass way to spend the evening? Way too cool!
  4. Z

    Roast my cheap grow box (or help me make it better lol)

    Drooling over this. I miss amazon prime so bad. There are so many cool ideas here! I am going to have to try to modify them to fit whatever I can manage to find during my store rounds haha.
  5. Z

    Roast my cheap grow box (or help me make it better lol)

    They are 6500K lights according to the base. I am just going to keep the frame in until the plant is bigger. It works for the space, is easy to use, and space isn't an issue yet. I have a way to mount the light to the garbage can when the plant outgrows the frame. I just prefer that to...
  6. Z

    Roast my cheap grow box (or help me make it better lol)

    Now THAT is the type of creative problem solving I was looking for! Thanks!
  7. Z

    Roast my cheap grow box (or help me make it better lol)

    Yeah the frame wasn’t in the original plan. You should see what happens to two of those light bulbs when they swing into each other as you lift the garbage can up. I’ve got a way to mount them to the can at the top once the pant grows that tall. That way they aren’t swinging on a chain. I don’t...
  8. Z

    Roast my cheap grow box (or help me make it better lol)

    Hey everyone! This is FAR from gold standard, but I am hoping for creative ideas to make it better. Background - I currently live on a tiny island with a couple of stores, so buying (a lot) better shit isn't really an option. We have some stuff periodically, but you just have to go every day...
  9. Z

    HELP ME PLEASE! Flowering after a DISASTROUS transfer

    Yeah I can’t get better lights. As mentioned in the original post, I’m not gonna be able to improve the setup really. For the next year or two I’m living on an island that’s a 3rd world country. I’d have to import them and customs is literally one lady. My neighbor tried to import car parts and...
  10. Z

    HELP ME PLEASE! Flowering after a DISASTROUS transfer

    Hey there folks. First post after nosing around for a handful of months. I was trying to find an answer to a question for my specific situation, but couldn’t find anything, so I’m hoping someone out here may be able to give some advice. Background: -growing in a Caribbean laundry room with no...