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  • yea that is what i thought so i up'd the nuts from 550's to 700's and still no signs of rebound. I even hit with a 1/4 dose of cal mag plus. The buds are forming nicely and I have been having to feed them every day. They are in 5gallon bags with basement mix. I let 20% run off and test that with it almost the same as when I put it in. But the p.h jumps a few points. I am feeding them at 6.0! My other girls look amazing but the jilly bean is like 3x the size of the others. This is why I think I might have to up the nuts even more. Also can someone tell me the conversion rate of E.C. to ppm. Thanks I will get pics up as soon as I figure out how to load them.
    I am in my third week of flower with jillybean, and its starting to yellow at bottom with it moving up the whole plant. I am using house and garden coco's a+b with cal-mag plus I have two other strains, Jacks AK and quazy train. The ak has had some yellow leafs also but not as much as the jilly and the quazy train has no yellowing at all. I am thinking that it might be the cal/mg dif because I have been skimping on using it. I run ro water. Any suggestions please help. I will post pics as soon as I get em.
    I would have to see some pics, but they might just be hungry, i would up the nutes
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