Recent content by zipshank420

  1. zipshank420

    DIY 4oz. minimum yield grow box

    dude i would have used twelve thirty five watters of 25000 k more distrubution of same light man. more buds get more intense light.
  2. zipshank420

    OG Kush

    hahahah where the hell do u live in utah or nevada??? here in Colorado if u are medical u can obtain or have 2 oz on ur person and be fine if u are caught u will be handed ur medicinal marijuana back and on ur merry way lol. and even if u are not legal and u get caught with an ounce it is only...
  3. zipshank420


    u put them in to flower too soon bra. they were not mature enough to flower yet. u screwed all of the plants up man. better jus to start over with four new ones.
  4. zipshank420

    heyy im high

    i feel u man i feel like we r on the same level. i love life more than any thing but weed hahahahahahahahah. peace and chicken grece
  5. zipshank420

    Favorite All Time Strain/Local Strain

    prob have to be dead man walking! that was a full on couch lock and fucked me up just like the name cause i felt exactly like a dead man walking. and for taste it would prob be colorado blue!!! the smell is a pungent but creamey smell and it fully tastes just like it smells!
  6. zipshank420

    And the 2nd Grow Starts now

    yea bro but some auto flowering strains are jus a headache high. just go with indo or sativa. my fav is sativa but i have learned to be patient for the flowering for sativa cause if you wait till the oportune monent and clip em u get some of the dankest weed man:) plus if they get to big u can...
  7. zipshank420

    WTF is that 'worlds strongest strains' thread so popular?

    God i love Colorado and its medicinal laws I fell all of u on that one!
  8. zipshank420

    in the dresser

    hell yea bro built a box a little bigged with a hindged door on the entire front. its 4'x2'x2' and i am thinking of putting some old dresser droors on it to make it look like a dresser lol. but ur shit looks good and well though and planed. u get an a= for creativity and ur effort on keeping the...
  9. zipshank420

    Indoor CFL Stealth Dresser

    nice set up but looks real short. mabey take out the top droor for more room. i built a box with a hinged door and it is 4'x2'x2' out of 3/4" plywood and ordered some reflective mylar or mirrior paper this stuff works amazingly btw. and i was thinking about putting some old dressor droors on the...
  10. zipshank420

    temp questions?

    i have an intake fan and a fan behind it to bring in fresh air from out doors. it is all inside and it is on the 3rd florr or attic of the house . i have a 5 gallon bucket in front of the fan now and my humidity is leveling around 47% rh. my temp whent to 78 degrees with the doors and windows...
  11. zipshank420

    temp questions?

    i know but it could rise cause of spring into summer out side temps rise and so do inside temps. do u know of any other ways?
  12. zipshank420

    temp questions?

    dude got the whole ten yards fan vent fan humidifer but i still need to bring it down more. will ice in a bowl in front of the fan work?
  13. zipshank420

    temp questions?

    can anyone help me out here?
  14. zipshank420

    temp questions?

    i was wondering how to bring down temps in a grow box real quick. its currently at 80 degrees oF but i would like to bring it to 74 or 72. any help?:hug::weed:
  15. zipshank420

    Coulmbian red haze:)
