Recent content by zeke420

  1. Z

    mold!!! Help

    Not sure but I think I would be afraid! Mold is nasty stuff! Someone will come along and let you know for sure.
  2. Z

    Am I Just a "Pot Head" in Denial

    Good luck to you. Have your wife read some on the medicinal propertys of cannabis! If she did some research she would find that its not the pot that made her x an ass, it was the person who made himself an ass!
  3. Z

    Any ideas on what this is

    I would say spider mites also.
  4. Z

    Help!! I'm leaving my girls. What would be the easiest way to feed them for 2 weeks

    Get some of those globes you fill with water. Or empty plastic pop bottles work also. Just fill them up stick them in the soil and they water as needed. Not ideal but it works.
  5. Z

    Meet up in Amsterdam 2011?

    It would be somewhere around 1200.00 us from seattle round trip.
  6. Z

    My plants don't need water? Yet

    Yep the peat moss holds the moisture a long time. Spongebob thats funny!
  7. Z


    How can you tell it's a hermi by thoses photo's? I'm not being shitty I really want to know if there is something you are seeing that I don't so I can keep an eye on mine!
  8. Z

    Help Me Revive her Please

    You need to get a fan on her circulating the air around her also.
  9. Z

    soil lice!

    Sorry I have never heard of them either. Try to google it and see what you can find out! Good luck to you!
  10. Z

    CannaButter is something that many people would love to know how to make

    Yea, you will probably get something not sure how much though. I would suggest making something chocolate with peanut butter in it because it will help cover the taste. Strange it burned on low with water in it! Did you stir often? I always use a crockpot because the heat is constant and on low...
  11. Z

    6 days old, already a spider mite.

    You'll be ok just stay on top of the problem because believe me if you don't they can take over in a matter of a couple days. Also you might want to purchase a hot shot pest strip and put in your room.
  12. Z

    6 days old, already a spider mite.

    Also add 2 drops of dawn dish soap to the neem. Spray with neem two days in a row. Third day spray with just water. Fourth day don't spray at all. Keep this up for a couple weeks to make sure you get any hatching eggs. Spidermites are pretty easy to keep under control so long as you stay on top...
  13. Z

    CannaButter is something that many people would love to know how to make

    Also your butter should never be higher then 350 because at that point the thc will start to evaporate.
  14. Z

    CannaButter is something that many people would love to know how to make

    Did you put water in the pot? It does not matter how much water you use because you seperate it anyway. You probably burned up all the thc when you burned it. I will tell everyone a secret I do. Take a nylon stocking, the kind that look like a sock. Put a few heavy rocks in, add your ground up...
  15. Z

    Need to know if it's a boy or girl

    Take a little piece of plastic wrap in your fingers cover the balls and pluck them off. Make sure they are covered when you do it.