Recent content by zat

  1. Z

    Fuckin BORED, need a laugh! Suggest a funny (not abusive/violent) cat video!
  2. Z

    Fuckin BORED, need a laugh! Suggest a funny (not abusive/violent) cat video!! (LISTEN TO THE MUSIC)
  3. Z

    need help with my grow tent temps urgently

    I used to have temp problems (even in my DR60 grow tent with nothing but CFL's!) and the issues were instantly solved when I got a 4" inline centrifugal fan (HTG Supply). You can add all the fans you want but if they can't move enough air in/out then you will continue having temp probs. I had...
  4. Z

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Before giving your opinion, please note that this girl has been harvested once and I re-vegged her, so she is further along than she was last time at 9 weeks. Last time I almost killed her cause I waited one day too long to water her (was out of town), but she's doing well this time. What do...
  5. Z

    Best things to do while you're high?

    I love doing things that keep me active and I like smoking more with another person as it keeps my attention outward instead of so much inward (I become a fucking philosopher and inventor when stoned). We play card games and I morph into an Iron Chef (dont' cook great while straight) and create...
  6. Z

    growing mushrooms....

    Thanks for the explanation. I've been interested in learning more about different growing methods (but I have to understand the "why" of it too), so I appreciate your info. And wow...unlike so many posts at RIU, nobody had to be an asshole! :)
  7. Z

    growing mushrooms....

    It might helpful to explain why you have this opinion as PF Tek worked perfectly fine for me. Personally I think using an easy method (and I'm sure there are methods that produce much greater yields than PF Tek) is the way to for newbs so they can get the "process" down. But I am curious what...
  8. Z

    growing mushrooms....

    Well, it's certainly an easy system for newbs like us, and the cool thing is that everything in the kit is reusable (including the just "cook it" in the oven for several hours to pull the moisture out and you can re-use it). If you buy the kit, and want to use it several...
  9. Z

    growing mushrooms....

    From the day I injected the spores to the day I harvested my first flush, it was 5 weeks. If you eat fresh shrooms, you can eat them immediately after harvesting. If you prefer to eat them dry/dehydrated for long-term preservation and because the icky taste is really not an issue when they're...
  10. Z

    growing mushrooms....

    I've grown them once and had 100% success with this set up: I purchased my spores through Ralphsters: It's an idiot proof set up and even though you could do it cheaper, I felt it was worth the $ to get something...
  11. Z

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Been lurking around this thread and have decided to give this a shot once my current grow is finished up (just switched to flower so it will be awhile). Is there a 12/12 from seed tutorial written anywhere so that I don't have to a)read through 933 pages of discussion or b)ask the same...
  12. Z

    LST/CFL Grow Pics - Please share thoughts

    I also do LST/CFL grow. Yours is looking good so far, just don't be afraid to keep pulling the higher branches down and keep the canopy as low as possible...then stick your lights as close (as you can) to the shorter stuff that isn't as far along to get the whole thing to fill out. They look...
  13. Z

    FUCK!! Frustrated w/heat OR positive pressure. Fan type question

    Ok, I just installed my 4" Hurricane 171 cfm centrifugal fan...and WHAT A DIFFERENCE!! Instantly negative pressure, sides of my tent are getting sucked in. I'm doing tests right now to see if it's enough to keep temps down w/passive intake, but if not, I've got that intake fan 100 cfm but...
  14. Z

    Marijuana Morning sickness, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis.

    How do you make this conclusion? The chemicals in shrooms and pot aren't even the why would you assume this person would have a negative reaction to shrooms just b/c they do w/pot? Not being an asshole, just curious if you know something a/b shrooms that I don't.