Recent content by Wyche431

  1. Wyche431

    Will different return size effect amount of water in buckets

    How long are you vegging for?
  2. Wyche431

    The trump family is an international crime syndicate

    That sir has been what's going on since the Kennedy was assassinated by his own government
  3. Wyche431

    Will different return size effect amount of water in buckets

    Will different pvc return sizes effect the amount of water in the buckets? I want to do a smaller return on the other half of grow currently have 2" pvc return want to do smaller size on the other half of grow.
  4. Wyche431

    Bulkhead question

    Just wondering what style bulkhead should I get, thread inlet or slip or thread outlet and Inlet?
  5. Wyche431

    Reservoir question?

    Hey Renfro, I'll attach photo of setup. My plants are drinking a lot which in turn is making me top off often. I was wondering if there was a way to fill my central rez more without drowning my plants. The only thing I can think of is to add a lid to all my totes which will raise the bottom of...
  6. Wyche431

    Reservoir question?

    Okay, i feel better then. I have 15 12gal totes running just wanted to make sure I'm not off.
  7. Wyche431

    Reservoir question?

    Very true indeed
  8. Wyche431

    Reservoir question?

    Hello so I built my own RDWC this is my second build, for some reason I have to keep filling my reservoir every two to three days I was wondering if there is a way to add more water to reservoir without it going to the rest of my buckets and killing my plants and flooding my system?
  9. Wyche431

    RDWC setup

  10. Wyche431

    RDWC setup

    The system is still the same if you add more buckets. As far as reservoir that depends on how high I have my water pump on . I would say a normal trash would suffice. I'll look and see if i have some old photos for you.
  11. Wyche431

    RDWC setup

    I recently took down that setup and put up a new one in garage
  12. Wyche431

    New grow room

    Yeah going to have to bite to bullet and buy one
  13. Wyche431

    New grow room

    Thinking about doing under current, 2 inch PVC with 1" return, going to run about 3500 watts in the room. What's your suggestions or comments.
  14. Wyche431

    Noob at Cloning am i doing it right

    Been growing for awhile now, just want to make sure I am doing it right. Cut at 45 degree angle, rooting gel put in ph balanced rockwool.