Recent content by Wrench&Weld

  1. Wrench&Weld

    Nooo! I think it's a Hermie!

    That was the only branch that showed any signs of nuts, all other branches have swollen calyx's with white Pistols. I'm sure it's female, at least mostly. I'm thinking it's the plants genetics starting to show, this plant was my plant that my cat topped for me so it looks beautiful and it very...
  2. Wrench&Weld

    Nooo! I think it's a Hermie!

    I went and plucked those little turds. Found a few more. I'll keep on eye on that plant tomorrow and see if she looks like she is trying to do some Katelyn Jenner malarkey
  3. Wrench&Weld

    Nooo! I think it's a Hermie!

    Well, things have been going magically. Ever since my cat munching problem we haven't ran into any problems until tonight! I was wishing my girls goodnight when I found this!I know I've only kept my females at this point, and this is definitely a female plant what should I do at this point? Cut...
  4. Wrench&Weld

    The Cat Got Into My Grow!

    They are actually doing quite well. The plant that was the largest plant he effectively did the FIM method on the main Cola and since it had started 3 sub colas lower on the plant. He did slow down growth for a few days since the plant lost so much leaf area, but is recovered well now. The other...
  5. Wrench&Weld

    First Grow. Almost 3 months into veg. Any feedback or comments greatly appreciated

    What has been your light schedule up to this date? Are you still in Veg and continuing to train? Your training techniques look fairly good for your first grow.
  6. Wrench&Weld

    Feeling Frustrated!

    Feeling Frustrated!
  7. Wrench&Weld

    The Cat Got Into My Grow!

    Great idea! Totally what we will do next! Thanks!
  8. Wrench&Weld

    The Cat Got Into My Grow!

    Terry, have you had your feline friend in with your plants much before? Are you always with him or does it ever have a chance to be alone with them? My friend says he has never had a cat that won't eat the leaves. He has had a lot of cats over the years
  9. Wrench&Weld

    The Cat Got Into My Grow!

    He has been in the room for weeks now, when I was hanging out with my buddy last night he started telling me about his story of his cats wrecking his plants, then exactly the next morning I find this! Total Jynx man! I need to watch what me and him discuss! Haha
  10. Wrench&Weld

    The Cat Got Into My Grow!

    Well things were going awesome.... Had 4 plants in early veg....growing like crazy. They were the last pretty things I looked at before I got into bed. Just starting to get a nice aroma. Woke up this morning to a Horror move!! My heart sunk in my chest, my largest and healthiest was heavily...
  11. Wrench&Weld

    48 x 48 x 84 Ventilation & tent

    When choosing between two models of ventilation fans if cost is similar I would definitely go with the larger unit. Especially with a fan controller, you will have the ability to move more air than needed so you can upgrade to better lighting later and also help with air exchange in the tent.