Recent content by WinterFresh

  1. WinterFresh

    how do i find or get good seeds if im living in the us?

    Thanx to everyone on this. One more question though, what are some of the best strains for outdoor growing?
  2. WinterFresh

    For Real...Why?

    :wall:Okay so i was walking around today a lil high off sum keif and im checking out all the local tags in my neighbrohood. Theres alot of kool shit but the one thing i kept seeing, Shity ass gang graffitti and it was blowing my high. Now im a graffiti junkie i love it do death, one of my...
  3. WinterFresh

    i'm calling these......

    All i have to say is GODDAMN those are gorgeous!!!! Thats what i wanna grom sum day
  4. WinterFresh

    Lucky Find... i think

    Thats not a retarted idea sharpe its actually kinda kool i might just do that. But ya i went back there today and someone ripped the top off the big one and one of the little one behind it. Not cut it but broke the fucker and ripped it off....i was kinda sad. But i looked around and theres...
  5. WinterFresh

    Lucky Find... i think

    do they look close to being done? I knoe the best way is to get that damn magnifying glass from radio shack and look at the trichos but can anyone tell by an eye shot?
  6. WinterFresh

    Lucky Find... i think

    I feel ya on that one rascal, if i see anyone by them let alone near them who doesnt look like a punk kid them fuck em cuz ya krama is a bitch! Anywho i got sum more pix of them mostly of the two behind the big one on the first pic. its sux though cuz there seeded, but let me knoe what yall...
  7. WinterFresh

    Male or female

    okay kool thanx guys. so whats the best way to tell then?
  8. WinterFresh

    Male or female

    Okay so heres a simple question but i just wanna knoe if it true. Is it true that to see if the plant is male it will have 5 leaves to a leaf, and females range from 7-10? Just wanna knoe so i cant get my facts rite.:peace:
  9. WinterFresh

    Lucky Find... i think

    LMAO thats too funny! I dunno what ima do with em cuz eaither way i think there gunna get stolen cuz there is to many punk ass wannabe thug kids that walk the train tracks and smoke and if one of them sees it the its gone. Shit for all i knoe they could be gone today.
  10. WinterFresh

    Lucky Find... i think

    if there fully seeded is it worth harvesting? Does it just mean that theres gunna be seeds in the bud?
  11. WinterFresh

    Lucky Find... i think

    Ya i have go do that. Thers a radio schack rite down the street from me. How close to harvest do u think they are, the first one?
  12. WinterFresh

    Lucky Find... i think

    Honestly i dont think there anyones cuz there just there like in plain view. There growing where poeple throw there old btanches and shit.
  13. WinterFresh

    Lucky Find... i think

    Anybody have sum adive for me?
  14. WinterFresh

    Lucky Find... i think

    Okay so i was walking down the train tracks by my house when i stummbled across three plants and one male. I killed the male but i think it wuz a lil late for that but i think it only got one plant pollenated...i hope. I just wanna knoe if there any good cuz they dont look loke ditch weed but...
  15. WinterFresh

    how do i find or get good seeds if im living in the us?

    I wuz just wondering whats the best possible way to get sum good seeds cuz livin in US (Minnesota to exact) there a bitch to find or even to get.:peace: