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  • This is the first time growing out doors started w/clones 6"to 5g buckets fox farm soil using East Bay n calif hose water I'm stressed out cuz they were looking all kinda good then all of the sudden brown spots all over man I don't wanna lose my girls.Ive grown 6 other times in door tent organic foxfire soil total 1000 watts MH TO HPS And did pretty good
    I Wanna buy a tent to grow just 3 plants I'd like to try using L.E.D Lights with organic soil please help what size tent I need and what type of L.E.D light watts do I need???? HELP
    Tent size is up to you and how much room you have. For 3 plants I like 2x4 tents. Enough room for a decent size plant with a large 5gal cloth pot. Easy/cheap enough to light. A 300W actual draw light would be lots. I would do this with 2 small 150ish watt lights for a good spread.
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