Recent content by westmich

  1. westmich

    Michigan Medical 2010 outdoor grow - bud porn

    Subscribed - Muskegon area - be safe :)
  2. westmich

    The Truth About Flushing

    I jumped to the end, but IMHO flushing does indeed work. I grow in hydro - aero/nft with net cups and no medioum. When I flush I start with clear water and a cleaned filter. Within a day, I can see the water dark again. I flush it out several days in a row and I can see the roots lighten up...
  3. westmich


    Leave it to Gilbert - he also cracked a 9/11 joke about two weeks after 9/11 in NY. "Sorry I am late but my plane had a stop-over at the Empire State building on the way over." (he got boo'd)
  4. westmich

    Are cannabis seeds legal to posses but not germinate in the US?

    Thanks for the help - especially cooknsmoke. My friend is/was gearing up to just openly sell seeds because they have it stuck in their head that it is legal to do so as long as they are not germinated - not correct. Racer - doctors don't prescribe pot, they recommend it which is an exercise...
  5. westmich

    Are cannabis seeds legal to posses but not germinate in the US?

    Sorry, let me be more specific. Can you provide with a link or Fereral code specifically? I need something I can print off and show my friend before they end up in prison. Or, is it possible that they are legal and this is why nobody ever goes to jail for ordering seeds?
  6. westmich

    Are cannabis seeds legal to posses but not germinate in the US?

    This seems like a silly question to me so I am posting it here in newbie central: Are cannabis seeds legal to posses under Federal law as long as they are not germinated? I know that is the case in the UK and Canada which is why they can sell them, but I did not believe that to the case in...
  7. westmich

    Michigan Medical Marijuana Rights Rally - April 17

    Please come to Lansing on Saturday. The Time line: 9:00 am to 10:00 am Volunteer meeting Any one helping should be at this meeting. At “Gone Wired Café” Michigan Ave ___________________________________________________ 10:00 am to 2:00 pm The long awaited sequel to “BUSTED” DVD Viewing will...
  8. westmich

    Legalities of Patient/Caregiver Match Up Site

    Yea, I wouldn't be surprised if LEO looked into it. The site would require a login and you would only see caregiver information. Basically a patient search engine for caregivers based on location, strain, budget, etc. and then make a "friend request" to the caregiver. If the caregiver...
  9. westmich

    Legalities of Patient/Caregiver Match Up Site

    I am thinking of creating a match up website, something like, but for patients and caregivers here in Michigan and I am wondering what some of the legalities might be especially at the Federal level. I would make it clear that it is not a 'hook up' website and that patients and...
  10. westmich

    Questions On Elites, Pure Lines, and Breeding

    ...from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.
  11. westmich

    Questions On Elites, Pure Lines, and Breeding

    I guess the ability to create a new strain from an existing one would be in direct proportion of variation in the existing strain. In other words, if the Blue Cheese is stable than I should be able to pop seeds all day and cross breed any combination and still end up with the same strain I...
  12. westmich

    Check out my outdoor Sativa!

    The bud, Bud Light, and cleavage look great :)
  13. westmich

    Questions On Elites, Pure Lines, and Breeding

    Thanks for the response purrrrple. Very helpful. I would like to do breeding myself some day, truly breeding, and establish a pure line strain. I take that can only be done from land races. If I found traits I liked in a random plant from an online order and did my best to stabilize it, it...
  14. westmich

    Thoughts On Miracle Grow Organics

    I forget the color. It says Ogranic's Choice Miracle Grow Potting Soil. I bought in the 32 quart bag. It has two months worth of feed in it (a third less than the regular) and the numbers are much lower, like .5 - 1 - .5 or something which is typical of organic soil or lower. I had some...