Recent content by Weezy F Baby

  1. Weezy F Baby

    Making hash from clippings

    anyone have any suggestions of what i could use instead of a metal coffee filter? [/FONT]
  2. Weezy F Baby

    Making hash from clippings

    would people recommend using the blender method or using the method that someone created here with a pringles can and shirt
  3. Weezy F Baby

    Making hash from clippings

    so i just harvested and i was wondering what i should do with all my clippings i wanna make hash but dont have the materials to make bubble hash does anyone have any methods that i should use and or any recommendations of what i should do?
  4. Weezy F Baby

    Two questions (one involing a microwave!)

  5. Weezy F Baby

    Two questions (one involing a microwave!)

    wrong...i got way too much but its the celebration aspect and no more debate i am in the process of microwaving now...again, its prolly like .5gs MAX that i have taken off 4 huge plants as long as i am not gonna die from nutes i dont care if it is degraded, i just wanna celebrate and then ill...
  6. Weezy F Baby

    Two questions (one involing a microwave!)

    its a single bowl, not all of them i am still gonna dry and cure them correctly!
  7. Weezy F Baby

    Nastiest Thing Ever Happened During Sex

    nah no scabs that would be kinda weird right?
  8. Weezy F Baby

    Nastiest Thing Ever Happened During Sex

    on topic tho i gotta say the nastiest thing ive ever done was while going down on my ex there would always be sum random toilet paper stuck in her snatch toilet paper is not tasty unless it is being used to parachute farmies she was terrible though and for some reason i was with her for 5...
  9. Weezy F Baby

    Nastiest Thing Ever Happened During Sex

    you have never tried your own? i feel it is the best way to get rid of them without wiping them on something...thats gross :spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew:
  10. Weezy F Baby

    What To Do In Times Of No Weed?

    noooo, charge for it and make those perv's pay so you could get more weed
  11. Weezy F Baby

    Have drug test in two days need help!!

    niacin would work if you had more time :( rent the movie "Harsh Times" Christian bale does this thing with a turkey baster and some eye was fluid i think it looks rather painful but it would make you pass the test as long as this isn't a government job or some job that they are doing super...
  12. Weezy F Baby

    Two questions (one involing a microwave!)

    This is what google image turned up :confused::confused::confused: