Recent content by weedforafeed

  1. weedforafeed

    starting seedlings under 400watthps ok?

    would be it ok to start ur grow under a 400wthps? and at what height would you start it if you could?
  2. weedforafeed

    Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

    and yo i mean all australians this aint no area thing i mean its the normal thing here (whole australia) if you dont spin with tobaco you actually get teased? wtf? yes sir
  3. weedforafeed

    Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

    yo every mutherfuker in australia smokes weed with tobacco its a fuking mess man im tellin ya these fukers think straight weed is stupid? and mixin with tobacco is the way to go? man wtf ima kill all these ignorant mutherfukers that dont appreciate weed nor how to smoke the herb. 50/50 in a bong...
  4. weedforafeed

    @@ herm seeds with awsome results @@

    coz my hermi's just gave me seeds and i dryed them fukers for nothin, thought they were buds but pooped out seeds instead
  5. weedforafeed

    fucked up dreams

    attacked by a giant penis
  6. weedforafeed

    Pigs found my plants, Help

    fuk da police kill them fuking bastards
  7. weedforafeed

    Pigs found my plants, Help

    it would be funny if they stumbled across this, and there is a chance
  8. weedforafeed

    Best Food When High

    mi goreng mi goreng the best noodle fuk ramen it aint for hungry men giv me ten packs of mi goreng mi goreng aint nothin ta fuck wit mi goreng aint nothin ta fuck wit
  9. weedforafeed

    Growth at the node's?

    holera chensh keea kondoni pyelooshka goovno goovno pyerdoleech
  10. weedforafeed

    do you believe in ghosts ?

    holera pyepshich goovno shookam dostempoo do eenternetoo
  11. weedforafeed

    dudes who have had adult/teen circumcision

    ye the local anaesthetic the nurse dude put in after my actual surgery was the worst, felt it go in then felt go out, my dick was supposed to be still numb coz they already put local anaesthetic after while i was still asleep so i wouldnt feel any pain straight after but it had of worn off coz...
  12. weedforafeed

    Growth at the node's?

    ye im thinking it could be an early sign buts thats just what i think im not definately sure because ive only had females and they never had that node growth at stem, i just seen a male and female turned hermi with that node growth but then again i havent seen many plants. try finding pics and...
  13. weedforafeed

    Growth at the node's?

    but mine only appeared when they entered flowering stage
  14. weedforafeed

    Growth at the node's?

    that happened to one of mine and she turned into a hermi soon after. i have 2 same strains , and they were both female but one had little leaves at the nodes meetin at stem then pollen sacks came soon after, the other did not have the development at the nodes and wasnt a hermi but got...