Recent content by Wallman

  1. Wallman

    My arch enemy humidity..

    Thanks Bryan for the input I really appreciate it. It's a very small issue right now I've been treating it with Mildew Cure and it's kept it under control for the most part. At this point I would say its present on 3 or 4 leaves in very small amounts. I am really hoping to find a permanent...
  2. Wallman

    My arch enemy humidity..

    so I'm on my second grow now and after months and months of reading forums and watching how to's. I've got everything dialed in but my RH! :-? I am running 2 4'x8' tents 1 tent = 1-600w HPS 1-1000w and an 8" fan filter combo 2nd tent = 2 - 4' 8 lamp T5 with 6" fan filter combo My RH...
  3. Wallman

    Inline fan question

    Hanks guys for the help! I upped the fan to a 8" with new filter. Got a good deal of only 176$! It worked great and dropped my RH down 10% and my Temp 15°!! Appreciate the help!
  4. Wallman

    Inline fan question

    hello all, I've been learning from all of you for months now and want to start off by saying thank you. This is my first thread but need some help with a heat issue. I have a 4'x8' Gorila Tent running 1 600w HPS and 1 1000w HPS. To vent the tent I have 1 6" ventech inline fan with filter...