Recent content by VWFringe

  1. VWFringe

    Marijuana a Gateway Drug?

    Fast forward to today...hell no pot's not a gateway drug, and it isn't a soft's just the first or second means of alleviating Reward Deficiency Syndrome used by People with ADD/ADHD...but since my experience with Adderall, and my (ongoing) development of the dopamine pathways most...
  2. VWFringe

    Iolite Potable Vape

    here's a link to the iolite thread on fuck combustion - its' not as hot as some others, but the MFLB, while more compact, thicker hits, no butane, won't pass for a cell phone (i never thot of that, kind ofa cool thought, little big for...
  3. VWFringe

    Yummy Lung Gunk!

    i don't have links, but this can all be supported... since someone asked for information, lol I read pot smoke has hundred of compounds , and many are known to cause cancer I've read we exhale most of the smoke but the actives are absorbed within a few seconds, so no need to ghost hits vapor...
  4. VWFringe

    Link to Change Federal Law turns out there's a couple of bills in congress, we should all visit and sign their petition.
  5. VWFringe

    Do You Think Your Boss Should Get to Vote More Than Once in The Next Election?

    I think this is a valid way to look at the supreme court's decision to allow corporations to donate to campaigns. one person, one vote...keep companies out of it, their only out for themselves, we've seen that now, now is the time to move let's join the movement to amend the United States...
  6. VWFringe

    OMG - They're saying we'll poison children and drive stoned now!

    my 23 square foot lean-to greenhouse yielded only 3.5 oz. (the sun moved - 4 hrs day, and powdery mildew cut yield by 20-30% otherwise) only way that size would do anyone for a year is by doing multiple harvests using light dep. let's start bitchin' about the police and district attorney's...
  7. VWFringe

    OMG - They're saying we'll poison children and drive stoned now!

    I would suggest that testing how impaired someone really is is the ultimate judgement - can they do the work? that's really all i need to know - if you can't walk a straight line backwards while alternately touching fingers to nose you get to wait a while, or something, but it should be a...
  8. VWFringe

    OMG - They're saying we'll poison children and drive stoned now!

    I believe the public wants to see what responsible adult marijuana usage looks like, they don't know if it can exist side by side in their picture of the value and culture they want to preserve. they need good info but the media probably has their hands tied... can't tell people about how much...
  9. VWFringe

    OMG - They're saying we'll poison children and drive stoned now!

    the "experiment" did nothing to show the public what they really want to know: What would responsible adult use look like, and would it change our culture significantly? but instead of real information they put on a circus, and i wonder why none of the adults chosen to participate did nothing...
  10. VWFringe

    No Withdrawl Symptoms - Another Pot Myth Busted?

    thanks for the replies, i sent a question to a famous scientist, and he replied, and i did a fearless inventory, and saw that i was experiencing withdrawal, but it was so slight compared to how childish and petulent i've gotten with my spouse when she says we can't afford it this week, that i...
  11. VWFringe

    No Gateway Effect - Another Pot Myth Busted?

    ok, people, we know that the feds aren't giving up without a fight, and we know only nine million of the 36 million people who could vote will vote, so if you're registered be sure to get out there, it's not going to pass without us. and to counter the effects of the lies on TV we should all...
  12. VWFringe

    No Gateway Effect - Another Pot Myth Busted?

    very funny...and carrots, i hear a lot of killers get their start on carrots
  13. VWFringe

    No Gateway Effect - Another Pot Myth Busted?

    there is a lot of talk about marijuana being a gateway drug and I've thought long and hard over my own experience, and find they've gotten it wrong again. i'd like to hear other's experience and see if we can come up with any ideas for how to get the message accross to mainstream society. I...
  14. VWFringe

    No Withdrawl Symptoms - Another Pot Myth Busted?

    I've had to quit two times in the past four months, once for seven days and again two months later for four days. What struck me was that i experienced NO withdrawl symptoms after heavy usage every day. This was very different from the times I've run out over the past couple of years when my...
  15. VWFringe

    Why Do People Keep Lying About Proposition 19?

    I've always thought the better way of stating this would be to ask Society to accept us, and perhaps even grant us protected status as a minority. Sounds silly I know, but the way Society has categorized us as slackers and no-good-nicks is unfair. I don't really care about anything except...