Recent content by Vinney420

  1. V

    Auto chemdawg getting close??

    Here's my fast buds auto original chemdawg sprouted on 10th June so roughly just over 12 weeks grown in coco under spider farmer sf1000 plants pretty dense thinking maybe should defoliate abit let me know what you think guys...
  2. V

    FastBuds Stock

    Here's my original auto chemdawg 12 weeks from sprout smell like lemon diesel
  3. V

    Brown rust spots help??

    I thought that might be the case from research I've done pretty new to it all
  4. V

    Brown rust spots help??

    Have noticed brown rusting and yellowing on leaves thinking maybe from upping the feed its an auto chemdawg auto from fast buds which is 12 weeks from sprout is this anything to worry about seeing as the plant doesn't have too much longer to go?
  5. V

    Has anyone grew original auto chemdawg unsure when to atart flushing?

    Here's a few shots of some buds trichs with jewlers loop look fairly cloudy but only got the odd orange hair here and there she is 11 weeks 3days old since sprout and she's original auto chemdawg from fast buds. Cheers guys
  6. V

    Why arent my buds swelling!

    Cheers mate Im thinking I may move to organic dry amendments next run maybe spend less time mixing nutes and I only run 1 plant in a 2x2 which is why I thought I'd give the sf1000 a try but maybe need another in there aswell.
  7. V

    Why arent my buds swelling!

    Yeah from my understanding ruderalis is crossed with indica / sativa to create autoflowers if I'm correct I went with auto thinking quick turn around as I suffer with rhemautiod aurthorits and cannabis is only thing that helps me through the days so it's all personal anyway I've got a original...
  8. V

    Why arent my buds swelling!

    Fairly new to growing this is only my second attempti thought ruderalis meant the size of the plant didn't know it effects size of buds too what would you recommend I do as its getting close to the 80 day mark cheers
  9. V

    Why arent my buds swelling!

    Thanks for reply mate I only grow 1 plant in each 2x2 started off with a phlizon 900led but wasn't too impressed so I purchased a spider farmer sf1000 which has been in with this since about a week old kept temps between 20-24 only other thing that I thought may be the case is its only in a 6l...
  10. V

    Why arent my buds swelling!

    Stardawg auto from fast buds at day 78 in coco starting to wonder why colas don't seem to be forming as I had hoped. Could this be down to the scrogging trichs look cloudy with some Amber on sugar leaves but none on buds yet.. She has been flushing for 6 days so far any opinions will be grateful...