Recent content by Videogamenerd

  1. V

    Question about MMJ card and growing

    Checked and found that patients do not have to fallow the same rules and regulations as dispensaries for cultivation. The only rules you must fallow are the 12 plant limit and keeping your grow locked indoors.
  2. V

    Question about MMJ card and growing

    Would they rule it by shortest distance from the edge of each property line or something like center of each property?
  3. V

    First grow looking for suggestions and feedback.

    I thought putting the seeds in wet paper towel for a few days was germinating? Like this
  4. V

    First grow looking for suggestions and feedback.

    ehhem.. anyone..? I know it's not much yet but I hope to get something out of this. Want to add more florescents if and when i get sprouts. How often should one be watering the soil on a freshly planted seed?
  5. V

    First grow looking for suggestions and feedback.

    Hey guys hows it going. My seeds germinated just fine and i planted them about half an inch deep down in potting soil with perlite mixed in. Holes are poked in the bottom so they can drain and i watered the soil before planting. I also watered the top soil again this morning about 6 hours later...
  6. V

    Gilbert police storm house, sieze 2 oz from medical patient

    Glad I don't live in gilbert, hope the rest of mericopa got the prop 203 memo. That sucks for Taylor though. Hope he gets the charges dropped and they give him back his medical bud.
  7. V

    Question about MMJ card and growing

    Hey guys, exciting stuff going on here indeed. I've read that if you have a card now you can grow up to 12 plants at home sense no dispensaries are open yet. What about the 500ft away from schools condition, is that also true for growing for yourself or just dispensaries?