Recent content by veni vidi vici

  1. veni vidi vici

    Leaving for 5 days can my seedlings make it?

    Thanks for the replies guys will do!
  2. veni vidi vici

    Leaving for 5 days can my seedlings make it?

    Hello anyone reading this, In the next few days I will be going out of town for 5 days and I am wondering if my seedling will make it. I think they might, but I wanted to post this to get a second opinion. I have two seedlings both right around 5 days old. They have their cotyledons along...
  3. veni vidi vici

    which trainining method for beginner?

    Looks like you have things coming along just nicely man. I agree with your wife on the DIY approach, because before you know it you hit your budget max and wonder wtf happened to all the money. With the majority of money going to lighting it can be a bit difficult to shell out enough money for...
  4. veni vidi vici

    White spots on leaves

    I had similar spots on my first grow last year and it turned out to be spider mites and it sucked lol When I finally thought I got rid of them they came back during flowering and were practically immune to the stuff I was using so I had to order something online trying to not use anything that...
  5. veni vidi vici

    which trainining method for beginner?

    If you don't end up buying another tent right away you could top the sativa multiple times while its growing, creating more tops and making it more bushy. And like capn crunch said you could do LST with it and make it as bushy as possible. Just tie down the branches to the sides as it grows and...
  6. veni vidi vici

    My First Setup

    They honestly look like they have stretched quite a bit. They also look kind of sparse for 6 weeks. I have only had two different white widow grows. My second one was all clones from the first grow. I am no expert, I am sure someone with alot more experience than me might comment on here and...
  7. veni vidi vici

    5 Week 12/12 Update

    They are looking good man I have always wanted to do a hydro grow.
  8. veni vidi vici

    Tent temperature

    Since you are in veg right now your temp is good, but I would not let it get much higher maybe like 85 degrees max. If it were in flowering then I would say try to keep it below 80, but you should be good. Temps above 80 degrees in the flowering stage leads to a higher risk of getting...
  9. veni vidi vici

    Is this a nutrient deficiency?

    I'm guessing since its seed&cutting potting mix it has very light nutrients in it? The soil looks kinda like it has chips in it and maybe those are specs of vermiculite around it? I know alot of seedling&cutting soils have peat moss in them and small wood chips/tiny sticks. I think they do that...
  10. veni vidi vici

    Heat issues

    I like what hibok mentioned. Maybe try going to local thrift shops/yard sales or maybe somewhere like wal-mart depending on your budget and buy one of those ACs. Either that or increase air flow going through the tent by getting a bigger fan or adding additional fans to move the air.
  11. veni vidi vici

    Small time lurker, first time poster(Noob)

    Ah, I see I will stick with just the clones. The LED I have is Dimgogo brand 1000watt eqiv. (180 true watts) with 10 watt triple chips, full spectrum. I think it is mostly for flowering plants due to the color parameters being mostly high red like 650nm I think is what its measured in (not 100%...
  12. veni vidi vici

    Small time lurker, first time poster(Noob)

    With the bag seed I hope so too man. I am just doing it mainly for practice and to see what it turns out to look like. One question I do have is should I ever bother with breeding plants specifically for seeds or should I stick with clones for any reason besides it being easier? It would be nice...
  13. veni vidi vici

    Long time member, first time grower

    I think so man I just had a couple different problems at once and it started to worry me during the flowering, but my plants were very forgiving. I think it would have been different had I not vegged them for so long and did not prune very much besides topping/LST.
  14. veni vidi vici

    Small time lurker, first time poster(Noob)

    Hello everyone, brand new guy here still learning to navigate and find my way around. I have came to these forums and lurked around hundreds of times over the last year and have learned so much. I have never been part of a forum before, but I thought I would give it a shot. I got into growing...
  15. veni vidi vici

    Long time member, first time grower

    I just did my first two grows in the last year and learned quite a bit. -The seedling stage can be a pain if you aren't cautious and careful -I got two different random spider mite attacks that I must have brought in from outside. I had to use two different pesticides to get rid of them cause...