Recent content by vandal gaidan

  1. V

    Skunk (unsure of exact strain)

    I think it mite be purple erckle. ive been smokin on it for a week and it sounds just like that. smoked a blunt of it half an hour ago and i am fucked up.
  2. V

    Weird Marijuana Buzz's?..? - Help

    BS. calling it right now. sorry. u cant be "too young" to cope with "a decent amount of marijuana". i started smoking in 5th grade. never had a problem. also all ur symptoms came from bein high. stomach hurt? muchies. zoning out? ur high, it happens when you start out unless u dont have a one...
  3. V


    i had the same thought several years ago. never tried but am positive it doesn't work. thc just isnt absorbed that way. and grizzly is better.
  4. V

    A use for bong water?

    doesn't alcohol kill THC? i could be wrong but im fairly sure it does. If it does not then im putting tequila in my bong right now
  5. V

    double bar

    i know what bars are. He said they are double bars also around here if you try to sell a bar for more than 3-4 you will get laughed at by the most addicted person in the county. I wish i knew where to sell them for 5-7. i would make bank
  6. V

    A use for bong water?

    drinking bong water does get you fucked up. Drink however much is in your bong and see if you dont get trashed. I gurantee it will. Also it is one of the nastiest things to drink but shrooms are also nasty but people still eat them. dont be a little girl.
  7. V

    double bar

    some guy is trying to sell me "double xanax bars" i have never heard of them. Are they real? he said they are white thanks in advance
  8. V

    The Rate The Song Above You Thread

    6/10 can someone tell me how to make a the video show up?
  9. V

    tiny pipe

    if you smoke meth it will definately get you high. if not then pack it about 20 times and if the efforts is too big a buzz kill then you will
  10. V

    Friend Stole Pipe

    i steal lighters not purposefully but i get home and either lost a few or ended up with extra
  11. V

    Friend Stole Pipe

    all my dealers are cool, trustworthy guys he didnt know that i even knew the dealer tho. me and my friends dont share dealers, makes less fun when everyone has the same shit.
  12. V

    Friend Stole Pipe

    that is the pipe yes it refillable and is basically indestructible he didnt just take it cause he didn't have one. he has my gasmask (honestly borrowed) we sat down and talked about it today over more bud he bought and he let me have what was left he pocketed it on accident he said and when i...
  13. V

    Friend Stole Pipe

    should i kick him to the curb or not?
  14. V

    Friend Stole Pipe

    he use to mouch off me but i told him that shit had to stop so he started buyn alot and i mouched off him for a while to"get even" and he doesnt always do this kinda stuff just this one time, but, thats one time to many i guess
  15. V

    Friend Stole Pipe

    One day me and a few close friends decided to drive to this cave about an hour away for the day. I took my solo pipe since its metal and wouldn't break if it fell while we were climbing. We get there and chill all day and smoke and just have a generally good time. On the way back we are...