Recent content by UziBlanco

  1. UziBlanco

    Electric Sky ES180 OR Spiderfarmer SP2000

    Thats a little out of my price range right now, thats why I was gonna go with the es180 an see how it does.. thanks for your input though
  2. UziBlanco

    First grow - need help diagnosing

    Looks like the same thing mine did after transplanting them into bigger pots.. im no expert as far as in grows, on my first run myself, but I have done alot of homework and also been a heavy smoker for over 20 years.. to me it looks like a mild ttransplant shock.. just be sure you don't over...
  3. UziBlanco

    Electric Skies Vs Gavita vs Fluence Spydr

    What about in America, I was looking at getting the electric sky es180
  4. UziBlanco

    Electric Sky ES180 OR Spiderfarmer SP2000

    Never heard if them before, do you have any experience with them personally??
  5. UziBlanco

    Electric Sky ES180 OR Spiderfarmer SP2000

    Appreciate the info bro thanks
  6. UziBlanco

    Electric Sky ES180 OR Spiderfarmer SP2000

    Hello everyone First time grower here, I have some beautiful girls about ready to start flower and plan on maintaining a steady garden..BUT.. I can't decide which LED lights to go with in my 2x4x5 flower tent. Im stuck between the Electric sky es180 and the Spider farmer sp2000 with the mars...