Recent content by Urihalton

  1. Urihalton

    Tips curling

    Hey man so I calibrated my Ph meter and my water is at 6.53ph :3 so it’s not an Ph issue? I will measure the run off and lyk as well
  2. Urihalton

    Tips curling

    The white stuff you see is a bit of mycelium growing on it. Had a little mushie too earlier
  3. Urihalton

    Tips curling

    Grass is friend? :’( also yes I did mix this soil myself with what I can get my hands on in Sri Lanka. Not the easiest task but I’ve done alright in the past. This mixture I did feel it a bit strong. I did let it cook for a month but I guess it needed longer. And so I checked the PH just now...
  4. Urihalton

    Tips curling

    Well water. But some show they need food, some show maybe too much food in the medium :3
  5. Urihalton

    Tips curling

    17 days old right now. I did fear that the soil mix I used was a little bit too strong. It’s growing in organic soil, I’m not feeding anything except water. I thought I might have overwatered so so didn’t water for 3 days. Waiting till the pots dry a little bit. SF4000 running at 50%...
  6. Urihalton

    Tips curling

    Hello guys so my babies are almost 3 weeks in and the tips of their leaves started curling upwards. Any idea what might be causing this?
  7. Urihalton

    Spider Farmer led grow light--less watts, more light

    Alright thank you. Okay so plain and simple, what I want to know is, I’m in budget to go for either of these lights right now. I’ve even ran a pole on my profile some time ago with not much result. If I was to run these two lights separately, with no Additional CO2, other than the fresh air it’s...
  8. Urihalton

    Spider Farmer led grow light--less watts, more light

    It’s. 10x10 grow room
  9. Urihalton

    Spider Farmer led grow light--less watts, more light

    If you had to chose between SE7000 and G1000W, what would you chose? They’re both the same price right now. Please help me decide
  10. Urihalton

    1000w and Co2

    Hello Brother, So im trying to decide between the SE700 730w and the SE1000W CO2. which one you think is worth for the buck? i already have the SF4000 and its been great. i have a 10x10 space. im one by one upgrading the lights with every harvest. also i grow organic in living soil. so my...
  11. Urihalton

    Spider Farmer SE7000-730w vs. SE1000w

    hello guys, im trying to upgrade my lights. trying to decide between these two lights for my 10x10 grow room. if you have any experience with the lights, please let me know which is the best option. money wise :)
  12. Urihalton

    Grow light recommendations

    Hey guys, so currently I’m running a sf4000 in a corner of my 10x10 room because that’s all I could afford earlier. But I want to upgrade my grow room, and was thinking which LED lights I should go for. My choice so far is spider farmer se1000. I’ve also checked out luxx lighting. I need a...
  13. Urihalton

    Yellow dots

    hope you fixed your issue! I made some organic liquid fertilizer. Separate NPK. And I’m excited to be introducing IMO in to the organic grow soon. Hopefully tomorrow. but this how the ladies look now. they’re in mid way flowering
  14. Urihalton

    Yellow dots

    Lights are in a good distance right now. But I get what you mean. It happened to me on thus same grow. But these dots are a calcium deficiency.
  15. Urihalton

    Yellow dots

    It does seem to be a calcium def. I’m not using any chemicals on them. Only organic nutes. My first attempt at a living soil. I’ve given them some organic liquid fertilizer and top dressed them yesterday with some good goods like compost,worm casting, bone meal, blood meal. Hopefully that fixes...