Recent content by Unga Bunga

  1. Unga Bunga

    just dogs

    That Pic makes me think of a brother/sister pair of labs my buddy had . The male was 100 lbs of pure muscle , sister a chunky 70 or so . They'd sit and wait for you to tell them to fetch when you threw a ball for them . The chunky girl couldn't beat her brother in the race so after a few times...
  2. Unga Bunga

    Smileys gone ?

    Must be just me
  3. Unga Bunga

    Smileys gone ?

    What happened to the smileys ?
  4. Unga Bunga

    just dogs

    Dude, you're all done . The pic of her in the pink tutu that says "mommy's best friend" is all I need to see ! You'll never win if she's mommy's baby...
  5. Unga Bunga

    just dogs

    She certainly is a cutie ! Maybe time for a king size dog bed ?
  6. Unga Bunga

    Would a 2 by 2 by 3 be sufficient for a single mother plant?

    You'll just need to keep it trimmed well .
  7. Unga Bunga

    Cat problems

    Looks fine to me . When I had my indoor room I had 2 cats . For years that room was "the room of mystery" to them . They'd peak in when the door was cracked but weren't ever allowed in .
  8. Unga Bunga

    just dogs

    Good boy !
  9. Unga Bunga

    just dogs

    Looks as if they're getting along well !
  10. Unga Bunga

    Whats eating her and how do i stop it?

    Looks like slug damage .
  11. Unga Bunga

    just dogs

    As my little dude gets up there in years I find myself stepping back each time he does something that bugs me . He's about 90% good boy and 10% pain in the ass . The 10% is minor stuff , not listening , "demand" barking , that's about it . Not knowing when his time will come I can't get mad at...
  12. Unga Bunga

    Please help, never seen this before

    How close was the light ? Looks like maybe spider mites also.
  13. Unga Bunga

    When to start seeds indoors for spring transplanting with a current grow in my tent?

    I have to disagree . There may be some slow growth after transplant but once the roots take off they'll recover . April is too early regardless in New England . Too cool and you don't want your plants being one of the first green things out there or they stand a good chance of being eaten ...
  14. Unga Bunga

    Would I be able to harvest her tomorrow? Day 64F

    There are so many variables in play . Multiple people can grow a cut from the same mother and get different results .
  15. Unga Bunga

    Would I be able to harvest her tomorrow? Day 64F

    In my time growing indoors I grew about 50 different strains . Most from clones and a few from seed . Almost all of them took longer than the breeders info to be really ready to chop .