Recent content by undark

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    How Do I Adjust the Ph in My Organic Soil?

    Agree with nullis. Dolomite lime... Not only is it a ca-mg source but its also a ph buffer!
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    Aerated Compost Tea Recipes Help

    Posted this in another thread but figured it would be useful here. My tea recipe For a 5 gallon brew: Start with distilled, rain, or RO water. Chlorine/chloramine will kill the microlife. 1 cup bird or bat guano 1 tbl liquid seaweed 1 tsp unsulphured blackstrap molasses then brew...
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    How Do I Lower the Ph of My Compost Tea? Can Anyone Help?

    Seems like you are overdoing the tea here. The idea isnt to load it with ferts for your plant.. The goal is to accelerate microlife development and innoculatebyour soil with a herd of beneficial microorganisms that will break down the nutrients in your soil and make it available to your...
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    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    My ladies love the tea I brew for them.. For a 5 gallon brew: Start with distilled, rain, or RO water. Chlorine/chloramine will kill the microlife. 1 cup bird or bat guano 1 tbl liquid seaweed 1 tsp unsulphured blackstrap molasses then brew for 24 hours next day i add 1 cup earthworm castings...
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    Since Hydrated Lime is a Inorganic Substance (Calcium Hydroxide)

    Im pretty sure the addition of hydrated lime will kill your microbeasties on contact.. Rendering your tea useless regardless of ph.