Recent content by tylerh

  1. T

    Natural Four Top Plant

    Update..... 49 days of flowering under 600w..... One stem of four has exploded, covered with bud, while the other three have just formed large top colas.
  2. T

    Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Bad for Plants?

    Fair enough, time to start adding some mollasses. I guess you really have nothing to lose!!
  3. T

    Username Change

    Want to register but site wont let me change with same email account. Plz let me know how how to re-register with same email accnt
  4. T

    Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Bad for Plants?

    In a positive or negative way?? Im 40 days in 12/12 of 70 on a cheesequake grow and am contemplating mollasses..... my buds look nice, but growth has slowed in recent days.... maybe mollasses could help yeild. What would it do to flavour????
  5. T

    Natural Four Top Plant

    Awesome Thx T-Cat
  6. T

    Natural Four Top Plant

    Well, good luck. Never cloned. Would like to know where to take clipping from this 4 Stalk G13 Widow.
  7. T

    Popcorn Buds and LST ...... what to with??

    Wondering if LST at day 20 of 12/12 isn't going to shock my plants. Really hoping that a little LST will help rid myself of airy popcorn. Currently under 600w HPs running 6" cool tube. Grow tent should be here any day now... 4x4x60. Have 6 plants under light, feeding them with local hydroponic...
  8. T

    Natural Four Top Plant

    Where would the most ideal place to take a cutting be at this stage.... now 20 days into 12/12??? This is also a feminized seed unfortunately. That being said I would like somebody who has succsesfuly cloned flowering plants post as to where the best place is to take a cutting in the earlier...
  9. T

    Natural Four Top Plant

    In the picture I'm spreading them with my hand. I think you are right it would be a good idea to LST them to spread them out. They are under a 600w HPS right now. The four stalks seperate right at the top of the tap root, suggestion to me that their is indeed four seperate stocks operating...
  10. T

    Natural Four Top Plant

    Here are the pics of the beauty....
  11. T

    Natural Four Top Plant

    Have a G13 Widow plant that, from the times of it being a seedling, grew into a four branch plant. Im sure there is some term for this type of plant. Almost like a `conjoined twin`. The mutation allows it to grow into fours; whereas a `normal Plant`grows in two`s , opposing is each limb of new...
  12. T

    Best Deal on Indoor Grow Tent

    Have a 2x4 grow table. Debating if 2x4x6 or 4x4x6 ould be better with 600w cool tube setup. That being said, where can you find the best band for your buck? Want a quality grow space, but don't want to spend the big $$$ on it.
  13. T

    HolyGrail Kush-Liberty Haze-Orange Bud-Critical + Grow in Coco

    Very nice. I have HGK in early stages now. Will be watching journal