Recent content by Tyler Durden 77

  1. Tyler Durden 77

    If someone wanted to buy bulk

    los angeles CA 1-5lbs 2800 - 3600 5-10lbs 2000-2800 10-20lbs 1800- 2500 20 -50lbs 1400-2000 better believe it
  2. Tyler Durden 77

    Is butane honey oil really illegal in CA?

    cuzz u gotta use a bunch of butane! and if u do it in an enclosed enviornment u could really blow sum stuff up! look it up on utube..... search butane honey oil
  3. Tyler Durden 77

    Is butane honey oil really illegal in CA?

    bump bump bump thats rite! los angeles resident and its so legal (end product) they serve it at a hash bar i frequent!
  4. Tyler Durden 77

    confirm this is mag deficient please

    wassup?? what u wanna know??? 6.3 in my experience is ideal allthe way through especially if ur not advanced enough to change the ph efficiantly throughout the cycle.... but thats jus mho.... why what u think brah??
  5. Tyler Durden 77

    confirm this is mag deficient please

    so dont flush and renute??? flush with ro water and enzyme( to eat athe old nutes) water again with b1 and wait for progress.... then nutes at half.... but i said this ( in a nice voice )..... anyway good luck im off this subject
  6. Tyler Durden 77

    Whatis the Best sstuff to use for your plants that will kill anything ?

    bump on the azamax! it disrupts their life cycle... its an antifeedant and growth regulator... so dont freak out when u still see them after u use it
  7. Tyler Durden 77

    Whatis the Best sstuff to use for your plants that will kill anything ?

    how many weeks is ur strain? and what week of flower r u?
  8. Tyler Durden 77

    Whatis the Best sstuff to use for your plants that will kill anything ?

    avid... or floramite both industrial/commercial usage.... dont use if ur in BLOOM please....
  9. Tyler Durden 77

    Qrazy Train flower help/harvesting

    bump..... try to figure out the first day u saw pistils forming... the slightest sign?? and thats day 1
  10. Tyler Durden 77

    confirm this is mag deficient please

    because its not a P or K prob.... nitrogen (N)....wich there is none in ur bloom (0-5-4) is what ur in need of.... nute burn occurs with ph issues beacuse at some point in time the nutrients that were unavailable to the plant due to ph become available.....and at that time BURN...... also...
  11. Tyler Durden 77

    Qrazy Train flower help/harvesting

    flowering begins the first day of 12/12.... thats day 1 and u continue counting accordingly..... i agree prob anywhere frm 12-18 more days.. give or take..... try to time ur flush to parallel the time ur plant is finished for best results ( see why u gotta keep track )
  12. Tyler Durden 77

    Qrazy Train flower help/harvesting

    the previously stated guidelines will work for indoor/outdoor..... but nothing is better than keeping track of ur flower schedule lol
  13. Tyler Durden 77

    confirm this is mag deficient please

    be very careful of misinformation... jus cuz its written down does not mean u should believe it! nothing is more real or prevalent than real world experience......anything i say i do or have done.... it should b the expectation of all RIU members that when giving a fellow grower advice we should...