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  • Hey just wanted to say I think you may be right.. i am totally unsure... my INITIAL feeling was overwatering.. but then people said nute burn and said flushing will not flood it if water drains out
    . Soo i flushed and now wait lol.. i assumed likd you though.. the plant drooped.. then the browning.. seems like overwateted
    Also remember when you add things like nutes it takes a week or two to react to those nutes and show signs of what reaction its caused
    Well i am just at a loss then as to what happened.. because the plant was fine not a spot of anything but green....then I watered with this nutrient that is foliar and non foliar.. so sprayed some on leaves used rest on soil.. and then droop within 8 hrs.. then droop went away but the plant started getting bronze spots on tips.. then around edges .. and creeping in more..
    but ya i just use whats around here.. its just 2 bag seeds for fun .. its not something id spend $ on or trying to mix a bunch of stuff up.. i buy cheap premade soil.. cheap fertilizer . Water and let it get light.. lol .. cause i really dont have time.. plus its low on my priorities..
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