Recent content by TRISTAN27

  1. TRISTAN27

    Auto #1 pickamix seeds. Need info boyz, quick time plz

    Hey people, on my second grow now but bought 5 auto#1 from pickamixseeds and in the description it says from seed stright into flower. There ent no veg stage. Iv got canna aqua vega and flora but as it states, there ent no veg stage, so do i put it stright on flora for flowering or do i use the...
  2. TRISTAN27

    Hi nath gotta question 4 ya. To much to write as im using my phone. This is my number...

    Hi nath gotta question 4 ya. To much to write as im using my phone. This is my number 07588619097 be easier to explain. Drop me a txt and I'll ding u or whatever mate. Chat to u soon :-)
  3. TRISTAN27

    Heeelllppp. Pics

    Hi ppl. My plant is in its 4th week from germination and my main tap root has grown down to the res tank and sitting in the water with nutes feed in. Ph is between 5.5-6.0 my leaves look like there wilting, well the bottom 1s do, so what do i do. Is it safe 4 the roots to be in the water all the...
  4. TRISTAN27

    400w tent setup 1st ever grow!

    Hi again ppl. mate ur biggish 1s r looking better. the 2 in the big round tub i would start again buts thats me but if ya keep them on water till there bigger should be fine. this is a pic of my girl but shes a lil poorly at mo but still looks ok
  5. TRISTAN27

    400w tent setup 1st ever grow!

    Mate i wouldnt give them nutes just yet, its like giving vodka to a baby lol. but i would keep it on water till its a lil bigger and stronger. i waited till i could see a sign of it wanting food, like slight yellow patches then gave her nutes. my PH is 5.7 and using canna aqua vega then flora...
  6. TRISTAN27

    400w tent setup 1st ever grow!

    Hi ppl, jesburger is right u need to learn and get the right info for the right strains ur growing. i got a book and it tells u everything u need to know. Im growing a berry bomb and its 4weeks from germination and its lookin good. starting stright into hydro is a no no 4 me as it didnt work 4...
  7. TRISTAN27

    Discolour of leaves not good i dont think

    Thanks people for the info ill post a pic or somthing to show how things are going :weed:
  8. TRISTAN27

    upgrading to drip...

    Hi people im using a hrdo set up res tank on botton and tank on top with holes in bottom for the drain. Pump pulls the water from bottom to top. But i have been feeding my plant every 4 hours for 10 mins, but its abit more then drippin. Using 40ml of canna aqua vega with 20l of rain water. Ph...
  9. TRISTAN27

    I am here for the uk!!!

    Hey people this is my first grow in hydro, would like some info i have posted a video but its in the forum discoloured leafs could some1 have a look and let me know what they think of 4 week old berry bomb
  10. TRISTAN27

    Discolour of leaves not good i dont think

    Hi people. sort all the problems i needed to do. Iv done a complete res change, now im using 40ml part A and part B of canna aqua vega per 20L of rain water, decided to not use tap. tested PH after the whole mixing lark and added my ph drops and the colour turns darkish yellow what reads...
  11. TRISTAN27

    Discolour of leaves not good i dont think

    Many thanks to all ur replys and help. The brown shit in the bottom is clay dust. Iv correct my ph and gunna get ph meter digital 1. I do have a air stone in my tank, was thinkin in gettin 2. The seed is female, well said on the palck from the shop lol. Gunna wait a week see what happens then...
  12. TRISTAN27

    Discolour of leaves not good i dont think

    this is my water tank with tap water and canna aqua vega A and B mixed together. after a while it looks like this. looks to me that the nutes are sticking to the bottom and not getting to the plant. could any 1 please give me a quide line on how much canna aqua veg i need to mix with water
  13. TRISTAN27

    Discolour of leaves not good i dont think

    just looked at my water tank and the bottom of it is covered in brown shit. think its my nutes and maybe why my plant ent getting the good shiz ill post pic of water tank and any suggestions would be great.
  14. TRISTAN27

    Discolour of leaves not good i dont think

    needs to come down a bit i think what do u think?