Recent content by Trilix

  1. Trilix

    Oven Drying

    How long and what temp should I put my bud in the oven to dry it so I can get a sample while clipping my harvest?
  2. Trilix

    How long can you keep trim to make hash?

    I want to make hash really badly, but I feel like I won't have a worthwhile amount of trimmings to make it (or make a decent amount at least) until maybe 2-3 grows from now. Is it possible to store dried trimmings in some sort of container for long periods of time and then use them all at once...
  3. Trilix

    The PC Flower Box

    I already have a great grow space with 7 ladies all doing wonderful, but recently through some browsing I came across this I understand that it's not exactly the biggest of grow boxes, but that's fine. I wasn't really looking for yield. I was more or...
  4. Trilix

    Help plz.. Need some TIPS..

    This is not meant to be derogatory, only helpful. You did not do enough, if any, research. Scrap what you have and read up before attempting again.
  5. Trilix

    25 DAYS FLOWER(bagseed)**400w HPS**

    Needs more Nitrogen like everyone else said. Also it looks like it is suffering from over watering. Up the Nitrogen, lower the amount of water you use and you should be golden man.
  6. Trilix


    This is the correct answer. Though, to avoid confusion he meant 24 hours a day by 24/7. I just thought I would clear that up because he phrased 18/6 in the same way he meant 24 hours 7 days a week.
  7. Trilix

    I got my seeds!!!!!!!! Pics

    Technically yes, you could cross breed them. But it's not worth your trouble if all you are aiming for is the autoflower trait. Also in my experience (and I am 99% sure on this), all of Attitudes UFO are Feminized.
  8. Trilix

    I got my seeds!!!!!!!! Pics

    Probably pretty low. When it comes to breeding it takes lots of time to breed out specific traits of a strain, and can take many generations to get there. If you only have a few seeds you would need to be ridiculously lucky that by complete chance that the one time you cross them you end up with...
  9. Trilix

    I got my seeds!!!!!!!! Pics

    I'll see if I can borrow my girlfriend's expensive $800 fancy shmancy SLR camera wednesday and I can probably snap a few pics for you
  10. Trilix

    I got my seeds!!!!!!!! Pics

    Sadly only 1 really (I have a few but it's more like an overview of the whole grow space and you can see her in it but I only have this 1 close up). And it's from a shitty phone, took it about a week ago. The phone camera and HPS light really aren't even coming close to doing her justice. She...
  11. Trilix

    I got my seeds!!!!!!!! Pics

    my LA Woman is in Coco right now and is doing wonderful. 2 gallon bucket.
  12. Trilix

    I got my seeds!!!!!!!! Pics

    <3 Attitude, have always been reliable (if you use the stealth shipping options anyway) Can't wait to see that LA Woman, I have some growing now and mine looks fantastic. You will not be disappointed. LA Woman has some very dense buds, very frost white. Which shirt did they send you?
  13. Trilix

    A General Synopsis on Growing

    Bump. Is it too long to be worth reading? :(
  14. Trilix

    2010 lil monster

    If you have to ask questions, you aren't ready to grow 100 plants. Scale it down and keep it indoors until you know what you are doing. It's even more confusing why you would even want to grow males.
  15. Trilix

    Reflector paper, where to you get it?

    Dude it's like $12 for a roll of 4x20' mylar in hydroponics stores. How broke are you... As a substitute I am going to jump on the flat white paint bandwagon. If you don't have paint or the grow space can't be painted for some reason the next best thing would be what was recommended above, the...