Recent content by Tonado

  1. Tonado

    So i got a glass pipe that will not get clean!!

    Formula 420 dude.... Its the shit
  2. Tonado

    help ASAP

    As has been stated: If you push the leaves apart at the very top of the plant you should see a small bud (not flowering bud but an actually leaf bud). Use a pair of nail clippers to pinch off about 3/4 of the bud. This should result in more...
  3. Tonado

    Trichome Development!

    Yup, flush em with just water for the last week or 2 before you chop em down. Don't chop them ALL the way down, leave yourself at least a couple sets of leaves at the the bottom. Stick em back under 24 or 18 hour light till you see new growth, prolly 2 weeks. I'd say hold back on the...
  4. Tonado

    Anyone see Super High Me?

    Sho nuff is...
  5. Tonado

    Anyone see Super High Me?

    Brian Posehn - Metal By Numbers In case you have not seen it: YouTube - Brian Posehn - Metal By Numbers funny shit
  6. Tonado

    sex this

    You can grow em out if you want to selectively pollinate your girls. I would not bother making hash. Depending on who you talk to, males have no to very low levels of THC. You COULD smoke some of the smaller leaf sets if your desperate. Unless you want to make beans, you need to chop em down...
  7. Tonado

    help with set up

    One simple route is a bag of peat redi mix. 1/2 peat mix 1/4 perlite 1/4 vermiculite You can also throw in some worm castings if they are readily available.
  8. Tonado

    1st Gow 14 days Vegging/ Do they look Ok?

    Crack the hurd? What's that mean?
  9. Tonado

    Trichome Development!

    How do you plant a seed wrong? Sounds like your worrying about nothing. Lots of different phenos exist within the same strain. Grow em out and see what you get. More trics don't always translate into stronger smoke. Hell, take a clone from each one just to hedge your bet. Good luck.
  10. Tonado

    Started flowering to early.. help

    There is no reason to remove leaves unless they are yellow and come off with a slight tug. Take some time with your plant, it will let you know when leaves need to be removed. Leaves are your friends and how your buds get energy. I believe that even when a leaf is shadowing a bud, its...
  11. Tonado

    sex this

    3rd pic: those are balls dude
  12. Tonado

    About HomoSexuality

    ...that and the duckbill platypus, what's up with THAT??
  13. Tonado

    About HomoSexuality

    Praise Jeebus and pass the spliff ya homo...
  14. Tonado

    bigger buds

    Some believe that supperbudding helps, giving the stem a pinch and twist below the buds so the plant will send more auxins to repair the damage and in the process push more to the buds. Thought I read that UV can force the plant/bud to create more glands to protect itself as well.
  15. Tonado

    why are my two plants so different?

    I agree. It takes a while before the plant can really start exerting some muscle pushing roots through the soil. When they are young like this, you are just making it harder for roots to get established and they grow slower. Perlite is your friend. Gives young roots space to stretch out...