Recent content by Tittytwister69

  1. Tittytwister69

    Nobel Prize winners - Jews vs Arabs

    Wow, the shit staff here randomly provides location details about the users? That's my cousin/room mate he's the one that got me to sign up last month. We'll log in from different locations and post from different locations AT THE SAME TIME to prove it to your ass. But it's unreal that you can...
  2. Tittytwister69

    Nobel Prize winners - Jews vs Arabs

    Lol, it's my first grow and still more vibrant than yours.
  3. Tittytwister69

    Nobel Prize winners - Jews vs Arabs

    Haha you're really getting mad.:o Are you crying? :cry:
  4. Tittytwister69

    Nobel Prize winners - Jews vs Arabs

    You criticized me after Google links and never posted your own.. Stop lying so much! Are you trying to lose arguments or you're just dumb beyond repair?
  5. Tittytwister69

    Nobel Prize winners - Jews vs Arabs

    The Dutch make the best cheese.
  6. Tittytwister69

    Nobel Prize winners - Jews vs Arabs

    No, actually I think I'll try your style and just state it and then when someone attempts to rebut with sources, I'll nervously laugh at them, then resort to personal insult out of anger. Damn...
  7. Tittytwister69

    Nobel Prize winners - Jews vs Arabs

    Yes, why trust Google when you can trust an anonymous person with no sources? Nice logic, imbecile. Hey lets write letters to Google headquarters and call them idiots, because an anonymous genius on Rollitup is the one who really has it all figured out. Sorry, but automatically siding with any...
  8. Tittytwister69

    Nobel Prize winners - Jews vs Arabs

    Stop lying...
  9. Tittytwister69

    phyliss schiafly sucking scalia's cock in hell right now

    Liberals are such lowlifes, cheering the death of an old woman in a perverted manner. And Uncle Buck, try acquiring some attention outside of Rollitup (ie the real world), you pathetic loser; I get serious douche chills seeing your no-life, virgin self on here every single time I log in.
  10. Tittytwister69

    Nobel Prize winners - Jews vs Arabs

    Exactly, people must know the truth! Thanks for agreeing.
  11. Tittytwister69

    Nobel Prize winners - Jews vs Arabs

    Germans alone invented the car, modern computer, helicopter, phone, x-ray, bicycle, diesel engine, motorcycle, glider, jet engine, modern camera, television, etc.. Jews invented communism and pizza bagels. Plus I have around 6 million other reasons Germans are smarter than Jews :fire:
  12. Tittytwister69

    Nobel Prize winners - Jews vs Arabs

    But Europeans invented all the stuff Jews love to use.
  13. Tittytwister69

    My bud smells like hay, will it get better?

    Yes, I have a bunch of the 59% Boveda but I only plan to use them after RH is stabilized, for long-term storage purposes. This is what I learned from Simon's 'Perfect Cure' method.
  14. Tittytwister69

    My bud smells like hay, will it get better?

    Yes this is what I've always suspected. I think your buds should have a good smell when they go into jar and retain it throughout. My experience with acquiring hay has never ended well
  15. Tittytwister69

    My bud smells like hay, will it get better?

    So your buds never recovered their smell?